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Platform for managing collaboration preferences and ratings made in ReactJS, Spring MVC, PostgreSQL

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Platform for reviewing teammates and collaborators.


People often find themselves working in teams or collaborating with others whether that's in a working environment or in a school or during a game or sport.

Many times people rate this collaboration with the goal to make it as productive as it should be.

RateMio is a full stack web app created to facilitate this process.

There are three types of users. There is only one admin, who controls everything. There are superusers which represent team leaders, who can create activities and control all operations related to them. Finally, there are simple users whose only ability is to review others.

Every new user registered to the system has same access level as a simple user. That new user can request more access privileges from the admin. After the admin grants the access privileges, then this user can create a new activity, add other users to it and then split them into teams. Following, he can request all members of every team to review their teammates. The activity owner can also submit the reviews himself, in place of the users. Once all reviews are submitted, either by the activity owner or the users, then the activity owner can request new team suggestions from the system. The system gets all the reviews, processes the data and prints the new team suggestions.

Currently, the app supports only 2 teams of 2 members each.

Development Env & Tech Stack

OS:             Ubuntu 22.04 
Java IDE:       Intellij IDE
Code editor:    VSCode


Tech Stack: Java, Maven, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JPA


Tech Stack: ReactJs, Axios



    userid                      id
    username                    unique username
    email                       email
    password                    hashed password
    salt                        unique salt used to create password hash
    accesslevel                 1, 2, 3

user access levels

    3 -> user 
    2 -> super user

    1 -> admin
    all users start by default by level 3, we will manually add an admin 
    and then using admin we will assign level 2 privileges to other users


    activityid                  id
    ownerid                     id of superuser that created the activity
    activityname                unique name
    membernum                   number of users in the activity
    teamnum                     number of teams (not used for now)


    reviewid                    id
    reviewerid                  id of the user providing the review 
    reviewedid                  id of the user getting reviewed
    activityid                  id of the activity the users belong
    quality                     1-5
    collaboration               1-5
    preference                  'yes', 'no', 'neutral'


    receiverid                  id of the user getting the request
    senderid                    id of the user creating the request
    type                        right now only 'access', keeping it like that for future proof

some more details about requests

    receiverid      |     senderid
    -----           |     -----
    admin           |     wants access


    reviewerid                  id of the user that needs to file a review
    reviewedid                  id of the user that needs to be reviewed
    activityid                  id of the activity they belong
    unique (receiverid, senderid, activityid)

Connect to the database using ratemio user

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U ratemiouser ratemiodb
    prompts for ratemiouser's password
    ...current db and user info

if something goes wrong with the database, restart the service and then initialize the db

sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \i <path to>/initDB.sql

Installation guide

These instructions refer to installing the project and testing it locally. In order to recreate a similar project, you will need some extra steps that are missing from this guide.

The development OS was Ubuntu 22.04. The IDE used for Java development was Intellij and the code editor used for ReactJs development was VSCode. Optionally, providing instructions to install Intellij and VSCode but any other IDE and code editor will do just fine. The below commands will work for Debian based distros and with a few mods, for any Unix system.

  • Git
$ sudo apt install git
  • Java
$ java -version
$ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless
$ javac -version
$ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk-headless
  • Java path
$ sudo nano /etc/environment
$ source /etc/environment
$ echo $JAVA_HOME
  • Maven
$ sudo apt install maven
$ mvn -version
  • config Git for your terminal
$ git config --list
$ git config --global "username"
$ git config --global "your email"
  • PostgreSQL
$ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
$ wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y install postgresql
  • Intellij IDE
$ sudo snap install intellij-idea-community –classic
  • VSCode

Get the .deb package from site

$ sudo apt install ./codeXXX.deb
  • Apache Tomcat

Get binaries code tar and then extract it

$ sudo mv <apache dir name> /opt
  • Initialize the database
$ sudo -u postgres psql
$=# \i <path to initDb.sql>
$=# \q
  • Intellij run configuration

    • File -> Settings… -> Plugins -> Smart Tomcat -> install -> Apply
    • Run -> Edit Configurations… -> Add New Configuration (+) -> Smart Tomcat -> Tomcat server, Configure… -> select tomcat dir -> configure ports -> OK
    • Run the server
  • NodeJs npm

$ sudo apt install nodejs npm
  • VSCode config delete package-lock.json in frontend root
$ npm install

You might have to install npm locally, repeat the above command inside /frontend

  • run client
$ npm start
  • Gurobi optimizer

Install gurobi optimizer and extract it under /opt

$ sudo nano /etc/profile
export GUROBI_HOME="/opt/gurobi952/linux64"
export PATH="${PATH}:${GUROBI_HOME}/bin"

Get a license, enter the license on terminal


Platform for managing collaboration preferences and ratings made in ReactJS, Spring MVC, PostgreSQL






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