Just a simple form of Windows 10 Sticky Notes without the annoying stuff like being an open window in the taskbar and popups.
I wanted a sticky pad that was just for text and no links but more importantly, I hated seeing that icon as an open window in the taskbar.
You can still have the icon in the taskbar and it will open the window but doesn't show as an active window
if StickyPad is alreay open then it will bring it to the front.
It does not sync and is not encrypted or anything. Just a simple StickyPad. Settings and text is stored in "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\xCONFLiCTiONx\StickyPad"
The text saves as soon as you move your mouse cursor off the StickyPad so that it isn't lost if Windows crashes or something, and also saves when closing.
The second tab is there if you want to hide tab 1 when others enter the room or if you want to store links that you don't want to view on tab 1 or whatever you like.
Copy the files to a location of your choice such as "%ProgramFiles%\StickyPad"
Create a shortcut to StickyPad.exe (right click > Send to > Desktop (create shortcut))
Optional (recommended)
Copy the shortcut that is on the desktop to:
"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
Pin the shortcut to the taskbar
delete the shortcut on the desktop