SharpMC is a Minecraft server written in C# made by Kennyvv. It is a hobby project, the goal is to create an alternative to Spigot/Bukkit/Sponge. This fork is made by xafero, updating everything and generating network protocol.
- Protocol: #758 (1.18.2)
- World Format: Custom
- Multiworld: Supported
- Physics: Partial
- Entities: Partial
- Scripting: C# Plugins
- Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux under .NET 6
- git clone
- cd src
- cd SharpMC.Server
- dotnet run
It should now listen on localhost (
SharpCore is the main plugin for SharpMC which provides the basic most basic commands needed for server operation.
Command | Permission | Description |
/world | Core.World | Teleport between worlds. |
/tnt | Core.TNT | Spawn an active TNT entity. |
/tps | Core.Tps | Get the current server TPS. |
/save-all | Core.Save | Save all chunks. |
/gamemode | Core.Gamemode | Change player gamemode. |
/stopserver | Core.StopServer | Stops the server. |
/time | Core.Time | Gets the current time. |
/settime | Core.Time | Allows you to set the current time. |
/toggledownfall | Core.Toggledownfall | Toggles downfall |
/msg | Core.Msg | Message a player, |
/tp | Core.TP | Teleports a player to another player. |
/me | Core.Me | Says something in the third person perspective. |
/broadcast | Core.Broadcast | Broadcasts a message to all players. |
/kick | Core.Kick | Allows the kicking of a player. |
- Wiki.VG for providing Protocol information.
- All people that helped me!
- A special thanks to Niclas Olofsson.
SharpMC (including SharpCore) uses the permissive MIT license.
In a nutshell:
You are not restricted on usage of SharpMC; commercial, private, etc, all fine.
The developers are not liable for what you do with it.
SharpMC is provided "as is" with no warranty.