- Wikipedia Malaysian General Elections Results by Parliamentary Constituency scraped on 30th August 2018
- Malaysia Parliamentary Carto 2018 by Danesh Prakash Chacko from Tindak
- Malaysia Population Statistics by the Department of Statistics Malaysia
, tidyverse
, leaflet
, htmltools
, shiny
, plotly
, flexdashboard
Tab displays:
- Electoral map with results of the 2018 General Elections
- Racial composition of voters in each parliamentary ward displayed when main map clicked
- Population pyramid of state in 2018 is displayed when main map is clicked
Tab displays bubble chart or ternary chart. User can select the axis, marker size and color.
User can project the number of seats in a 2 party parliamentary contest. Votes and turnout can be modified for each race. This simplistic model uses the same values for all seats and assumes that only 2 parties contest a seat. Projections are based on 2018 electoral composition. Bumiputera in Sabah and Sarawak are modelled as one block; in reality they are made up of multiple ethnicities.