A simple addon to hide some of the things that Ascension does not let you do by default. There are several broadcasts that are not hidden, even when disabled in .chat
Use '/xat all on|off' to quickly toggle all options. Or use '/xat option` where option can be one of;
`say` removed in rest areas
`yell` removed in rest areas
`button` is hiding Ascension Button
`trial` Broadcasts are being filtered
`altar` is hiding Mystic Enchanting Altar Broadcasts
`autobroadcast` messages are being hidden
`new` is removing Newcomers from first chat tab
`ascension` is removing Ascension from first chat tab
`world` is removing World from first chat tab
`travel` is filtering all Travel Guides to alpha realms
`bauchat` is hiding BAU from Ascension and Newcomers
`keeper` is filtering Keeper's Scrolls
`motherlode` is filtering Motherlodes
`dp` is hiding messages that contain dp and don't contain dps
`twitch` is hiding twitch links in Ascension and Newcomers
`vanity` to automatically grab unlearned vanity spells
`aleader` is hiding Alliance Leader spawn alerts.
`hleader` is hiding Horde Leader spawn alerts.
`afkmsg` is replacing your default afk message with a custom one.
All Options, including new ones, default as disabled.
Code -> download zip -> Extract
Move the XanAscTweaks folder, that is in the same folder as this README, to your addons directory.