This repository aims to run scripts to interact with HALODao contracts in admin mode.
- ammRewardsV1.0 airdrop script + helpers
# ensure you're using the correct node version
nvm use
// 1- Get signers, pref our deployer address which is address[0] in the mnemonic
const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners()
// 2a - contract call: Add contract reference using ethers.getContractAt()
const fooContract = await ethers.getContractAt(
// 2b - deploy: Add a contract reference using ethers.getContractFactory()
const fooContract = ethers.getContractFactory(ABI)
// 3a - call a function in the contract or deploy
await fooContract.function(params)
// 3b - deploy a contract:
await fooContract.deploy()
- From HDEV-467, xsgd is only available. Run the task using the command below:
yarn hardhat v0statistics --network mainnet
- To generate a csv file input the command below:
yarn hardhat v1statistics --curveaddress {address of the curve} --name {token name for the filenames} --decimal {token decimal places that is not usdc} --network mainnet
yarn hardhat v1statistics --curveaddress 0x64DCbDeb83e39f152B7Faf83E5E5673faCA0D42A --name XSGD --decimal 6 --network mainnet
yarn hardhat snapshot-xsgd-rewards --network polygon