A proof of concept
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Documentation |
REST framework |
Using the api |
Database Model |
What is couchtime |
What can I do on CT |
To do |
Will I be hired |
Licence |
Wiki -- Api documentation
Quick Overview
Method |
We are using TastyPie
The easiest way to use the api is through curl
. An example is shown as follows:
curl http://localhost:8000/api/movie/
Which will return:
{"meta": {"limit": 20, "next": null, "offset": 0, "previous": null, "total_count": 9}, "objects": [{"cast": "Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Rafe Spall", "comment": "no comment", "country": "US", "created_at": "2018-06-17T05:20:06.595643", "director": "J.A. Bayona ", "genre": "Action", "id": 1, "rating": 0, "resource_uri": "/api/movie/1/", "title": "Jurassic World", "year": "2018"}, {"cast": "sadjksadasd", "comment": "sldjlasasda", "country": "aspodasdasa", "created_at": "2018-06-19T03:03:08.167285", "director": "kldlsa", "genre": "action", "id": 2, "rating": 2, "resource_uri": "/api/movie/2/", "title": "test", "year": "3838"}, {"cast": "sadjksadasd", "comment": "sldjlasasda", "country": "aspodasdasa", "created_at": "2018-06-19T03:06:21.388922", "director": "kldlsa", "genre": "action", "id": 3, "rating": 2, "resource_uri": "/api/movie/3/", "title": "test", "year": "3838"}, {"cast": "sadjksadasd", "comment": "sldjlasasda", "country": "aspodasdasa", "created_at": "2018-06-19T03:12:15.761063", "director": "kldlsa", "genre": "action", "id": 4, "rating": 2, "resource_uri": "/api/movie/4/", "title": "test", "year": "3838"}, {"cast": "sadjksadasd", "comment": "sldjlasasda", "country": "aspodasdasa", "created_at": "2018-06-19T03:17:52.232553", "director": "kldlsa", "genre": "action", "id": 5, "rating": 2, "resource_uri": "/api/movie/5/", "title": "test", "year": "3838"}, {"cast": "sadjksadasd", "comment": "sldjlasasda", "country": "aspodasdasa", "created_at": "2018-06-19T03:18:18.999236", "director": "kldlsa", "genre": "action", "id": 6, "rating": 2, "resource_uri": "/api/movie/6/", "title": "test", "year": "3838"}, {"cast": "sadjksadasd", "comment": "sldjlasasda", "country": "aspodasdasa", "created_at": "2018-06-19T03:22:32.693211", "director": "kldlsa", "genre": "action", "id": 7, "rating": 2, "resource_uri": "/api/movie/7/", "title": "test", "year": "3838"}, {"cast": "Chris Pratt2, Bryce Dallas 2Howard2, Rafe Spall2", "comment": "no comment2", "country": "US", "created_at": "2018-06-19T03:38:16.983378", "director": "J.A. Bayona 2", "genre": "Action2", "id": 8, "rating": 2, "resource_uri": "/api/movie/8/", "title": "Jurassic World2", "year": "2028"}, {"cast": "Chris Pratt2, Bryce Dallas 2Howard2, Rafe Spall2", "comment": "no comment2", "country": "US", "created_at": "2018-06-19T03:38:18.768205", "director": "J.A. Bayona 2", "genre": "Action2", "id": 9, "rating": 2, "resource_uri": "/api/movie/9/", "title": "Jurassic World2", "year": "2028"}]}
You can read more on the documentation. Also you can use your browser and point it to the same address (only for retrieval) or Postman for a nicer looking way to visualize th data.
Using the default SQLITE django model.
We all at some point ever wanted to log every movie we liked -- wether you are a fan of Back to the future or maybe Silence of the lambs, even Twilight (no judgement here), it doesn't matter -- so we can talk to our friends on the next party or just to collect watched movies. Enter Couch Time.
It’s a simple API and implementation developed in Python Django as a proof of concept — a technical test, where an user can log their fav movies.
You can:
- Register with a name and mail.
- Save movies (name, genre, cast, director, year, etc) in a imdb-ish way.
- Comment on a saved movie.
- Rate a movie
- Delete movies
- Search for movies
Operations are available through a developed API.
- Authentication method
- Validations
- Guidelines and good practices
- A git repo
- Use of a dbms
This is licensed under GPL3.