A simple (lowkey over-engineered) utility that wraps around node:fs/promises#readdir
for reading files and folders and await import
for importing modules from those files. If you want a simpler approach with the least overhead, just use the former two mentioned inside a standard for-loop, instead of relying on this utility.
Instead of manually using node:fs/promises#readdir
and await import
together inside for-loops which most often happens with files and folders, some functions of this utility abstracts that logic away. An abstraction over for-loops approach of iterating and loading files and folders. Syntactic sugar for iterating and loading folders and files. All functions are only asynchronous and returns a Promise.
npm install file-folder-loader
By default, isImportEnabled
is true
when using loadModulePaths()
. The module blindly imports modules unsandboxed. Only import modules from places you know. Modules that self-invoke code as soon as they're imported can have dangerous side-effects.
import * as nodeUrl from "node:url";
import * as nodePath from "node:path";
import { getFolderPaths, loadFolderPaths } from "file-folder-loader";
function getDirname(moduleAbsoluteFileUrl) {
const fileName = nodeUrl.fileURLToPath(moduleAbsoluteFileUrl);
return nodePath.dirname(fileName);
async function init() {
const dirPath = nodePath.join(getDirname(import.meta.url), "someDirectory");
const folderPaths = await getFolderPaths(dirPath);
if (folderPaths.length > 0) {
await loadFolderPaths(folderPaths, async (folderPath, folderName) => {
console.log(`Loaded folder ${folderName} from path: ${folderPath}`);
await init();
import * as nodeUrl from "node:url";
import * as nodePath from "node:path";
import { getModulePaths, loadModulePaths } from "file-folder-loader";
function getDirname(moduleAbsoluteFileUrl) {
const fileName = nodeUrl.fileURLToPath(moduleAbsoluteFileUrl);
return nodePath.dirname(fileName);
async function init() {
const dirPath = nodePath.join(getDirname(import.meta.url), "someDirectory");
const modulePaths = await getModulePaths(dirPath);
if (modulePaths.length > 0) {
await loadModulePaths(modulePaths, async (moduleExport, fileUrlHref, fileName) => {
console.log(`Loaded module ${fileName} from path: ${fileUrlHref}`);
console.log(`Module export:`, moduleExport);
await init();
import * as nodeUrl from "node:url";
import * as nodePath from "node:path";
import { getFolderPaths, getModulePaths, loadFolderPaths, loadModulePaths } from "file-folder-loader";
function getDirname(moduleAbsoluteFileUrl) {
const fileName = nodeUrl.fileURLToPath(moduleAbsoluteFileUrl);
return nodePath.dirname(fileName);
async function init() {
const dirPath = nodePath.join(getDirname(import.meta.url), "someDirectory");
// getFolderPaths option isRecursive = false by default
const folderPaths = await getFolderPaths(dirPath, { isRecursive: true });
if (folderPaths.length > 0) {
await loadFolderPaths(folderPaths, async (folderPath, folderName) => {
console.log(`Loaded folder ${folderName} from path: ${folderPath}`);
// getModulePaths option isRecursive = false by default
const modulePaths = await getModulePaths(folderPath, { isRecursive: true });
if (modulePaths.length > 0) {
await loadModulePaths(modulePaths, async (moduleExport, fileUrlHref, fileName) => {
console.log(`Loaded module ${fileName} from path: ${fileUrlHref}`);
// moduleExport will be null because isImportEnabled is false (true by default)
console.log(`Module export:`, moduleExport);
}, { isImportEnabled: false });
}, { isConcurrent: false });
await init();
- Discord Bots: Load folders and files dynamically,
- Modular Applications: Load user-defined files and folders dynamically.
- TypeScript - Programming language, a superset of JavaScript
- JavaScript - Programming language
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime
- eslint - Code linting
- prettier - Code formatting
- commitlint - Enforcing commit message conventions
- semantic-release - Automated versioning and releases