gs-chunked-io provides transparently chunked io streams for google storage objects. Writable streams are managed as multipart objects, composed when the stream is closed.
IO opperations are concurrent by default. The number of concurrent threads can be adjusted using the threads
parameter, or disabled entirely with threads=None
import gs_chunked_io as gscio
from import Client
client = Client()
bucket = client.bucket("my-bucket")
blob = bucket.get_blob("my-key")
# Readable stream:
with gscio.Reader(blob) as fh:
# Writable stream:
with gscio.Writer("my_new_key", bucket) as fh:
# Process blob in chunks:
for chunk in gscio.for_each_chunk(blob):
# Multipart copy with processing:
dst_bucket = client.bucket("my_dest_bucket")
with gscio.Writer("my_dest_key", dst_bucket) as writer:
for chunk in gscio.for_each_chunk(blob)
# Extract .tar.gz on the fly:
import gzip
import tarfile
with gscio.Reader(blob) as fh:
gzip_reader = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fh)
tf = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=gzip_reader)
for tarinfo in tf:
pip install gs-chunked-io
Project home page GitHub
Package distribution PyPI
Please report bugs, issues, feature requests, etc. on GitHub.