- 升级galtransl-7b-v2模型,继续迭代以改善整体质量
- (实验性,可能不稳定)支持单文件多线程分割,支持2种分割方式 by @PiDanShouRouZhouXD
- 新增插件text_common_lineBreakFix,用于强制对齐换行符 by @PiDanShouRouZhouXD
- 新增插件file_plaintext_txt,用于翻译纯文本小说 by @PiDanShouRouZhouXD
- 增加配置选项gpt.tooManyRequestsWaitTime,用于调整请求受限时的等待时间
- 修正在某些情况下新的缓存系统反复重翻的问题
- sakura:继续改进退化检测算法
- galtransl: 修正一个可能影响质量的变量冲突
- file_i18n_json插件: 提高json读取速度
- file_translator++_xlsx插件: 修正bug by @PiDanShouRouZhouXD
- (5.6.1)修正更新依赖报错
- (5.6.1)修正不开启分割时多线程不正常
- (5.6.1)改进win的快捷方式,现在移动项目目录也不会失效
- (5.6.2)修正单文件分割的bug
- Upgraded the galtransl-7b-v2 model, continuing iterations to improve overall quality (not yet uploaded).
- (Experimental, may be unstable) Added support for multi-threaded splitting of single files, with two splitting methods supported by @PiDanShouRouZhouXD.
- Added a new plugin, text_common_lineBreakFix, to enforce newline alignment by @PiDanShouRouZhouXD.
- Added a new plugin, file_plaintext_txt, for translating plain text novels by @PiDanShouRouZhouXD.
- Added a configuration option, gpt.tooManyRequestsWaitTime, to adjust the wait time when requests are rate-limited.
- Fixed an issue where the new caching system would repeatedly retranslate in certain cases.
- Sakura: Continued improvement of the degradation detection algorithm.
- Galtransl: Fixed a variable conflict that could affect quality.
- File_i18n_json plugin: Increased JSON reading speed.
- File_translator++_xlsx plugin: Bug fix by @PiDanShouRouZhouXD.
GalTransl-ver:脚本完整包/Script complete package
GalTransl-ver-core:脚本更新包,不会覆盖你的字典/Script update package, will not overwrite your dictionary
GalTransl-ver-win:Windows免环境完整包/Windows environment-free complete package