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Reddit scaling demo

The smart contracts and scripts in this repo load and simulate transactions on the xDai sidechain pertaining to the Reddit scaling competition.

See our Reddit Challenge GitBook for more details and load testing results

Note: For instructions on using dockerized commands listed below, please see

There are four smart contracts representing a single subreddit in the contracts directory. The demo demonstrates the load of one subreddit.

  • SubredditPoints_v0. The subreddit points contract implementation.
  • Distributions_v0. The distribution contract implementation.
  • Subscriptions_v0. The subscriptions contract implementation.
  • AdminUpgradeabilityProxy. A proxy contract deployed once for each contract implementation (SubredditPoints, Distributions, Subscriptions). This allows for contract updates by a Proxy Admin as needed to change or upgrade the code.

In addition, there are several scripts in the scripts directory which automate certain tasks as follows:

  1. Generate 100,000 unique addresses (emulating Reddit users).

  2. Deploy and initialize Reddit smart contracts (SubredditPoints, Distributions, Subscriptions) to the chain.

  3. Generate transactions to the contracts needed for the demo:

    All transactions will be performed with a zero gas price (if GAS_PRICE env variable is undefined), so users don't need to have positive balances on the xDai chain.

  4. Perform the generated calls loading the chain.

This repo should be used on a machine with at least 1Gb of free RAM. The scripts require sufficient RAM to handle a large CSV file containing the list of users (addresses and private keys) and their prepared transactions. To maintain simplicity, we did not implement a working DB for this demo.

Step 1. Configure and prepare admin and owner keys and addresses

First, we need to configure the root .env file. Copy example.env to .env in the root directory:

$ cp example.env .env

Edit the .env file and fill in the following variables:

  • RPC - points to the chain RPC URL. It is set to by default.
  • IPC - points to the local IPC path. It is used instead of RPC if not empty.
  • PROXY_ADMIN - Proxy Admin address used when deploying upgradable Reddit contracts (passed to the constructor of the AdminUpgradeabilityProxy contract). This address won't be used during testing but the key should be known if we decide to change something in the Reddit contracts (their implementations). Should differ from the other addresses below.
  • OWNER - account which deploys and initializes all the contracts. The owner has rights to call some functions in SubredditPoints, Distributions, Subscriptions and change configurations.
  • OWNER_KEY - OWNER's private key.
  • GSN_APPROVER - Gas Station Network account (if used). It is passed to the contracts during initialization. We will not use GSN in the demo.
  • KARMA_SOURCE - Karma source provider address. Signs token claims and is used by the Distributions contract to check claim signatures and start a new monthly round. Matches the GSN_APPROVER.
  • SHARED_OWNER_REDDIT - account representing Reddit's shared owner (receives 20% of tokens when starting a new round).
  • SHARED_OWNER_RESERVE - account representing a reserve (receives 20% of tokens when starting a new round).
  • SHARED_OWNER_MODERATORS - account representing moderators (receives 10% of tokens when starting a new round).
  • MULTISENDER_KEY - a private key of the address which will perform npm run multisend (see step 6 below).
  • MULTISEND_PRECHECK_BALANCES - set to true if you need to precheck user balances before the multisending (to avoid sending coins to non-empty addresses).
  • GAS_PRICE - gas price for the transactions, GWei (zero by default).
  • SUBREDDIT - subreddit name served by these contracts. TestSubreddit by default.
  • NAME - subreddit points token name. TESTMOON by default.
  • SYMBOL - subreddit points token symbol. TMOON by default.
  • POINTS_CONTRACT - SubredditPoints proxy contract address. Should be left empty as it will be filled (rewritten) automatically by deployment script.
  • DISTRIBUTIONS_CONTRACT - Distributions proxy contract address. Should be left empty as it will be filled (rewritten) automatically by deployment script.
  • SUBSCRIPTIONS_CONTRACT - Subscriptions proxy contract address. Should be left empty as it will be filled (rewritten) automatically by deployment script.

Step 2. Generate user addresses

Run the following command:

$ npm run generate-users

This creates a users.csv file in the data directory with 100,000 rows and the following columns (comma separated):


Karma of each user is generated randomly within a 150 to 400 range. The signature column contains a signature created by the KARMA_SOURCE address. These fields are needed to call the Distributions.claim function in Step 7.

This step may take some time as it checks a nonce for each generated address (and sends the corresponding eth_getTransactionCount JSON RPC). If the script is interrupted (intentionally or due to a disconnection), it can be restarted and the generation process will continue from the previous known point.

Step 3. Deploy and initialize smart contracts

Run the following command:

$ npm run deploy

This will deploy and initialize the contracts and write their proxy addresses to the .env file (into the POINTS_CONTRACT, DISTRIBUTIONS_CONTRACT, SUBSCRIPTIONS_CONTRACT variables). During contracts initialization, this script will read the karma column of the users.csv to get total karma and pass it to the Distributions.initialize function.

Note that the SubredditPoints contract has a decimals() public getter returning 18, meaning that the test points (tokens) have 18 decimals like Ethereum.

Step 4 (optional). Enable zero gas price on the xDai chain

The scripts contained in this repo can be used on another xDai-like chain which has zero gas price transactions enabled by default (for example, the test qDai chain). Skip this step in this case.

To allow zero gas price transactions to the listed functions of the Reddit smart contracts on the xDai chain, we need to modify the corresponding rules in the TxPermission contract (and then switch TxPermission proxy to the modified implementation by POSDAO owner address). Example of the corresponding TxPermission implementation modification:

Also, POSDAO owner should add the OWNER account to the Certifier contract using the Certifier.certify on the xDai chain to allow a zero gas price for Reddit contract deployment.

Step 5. Generate load transactions

Run the following command:

$ npm run generate-txs

The generator script will append the users.csv file with the following columns (comma separated):


After this command is performed, the users.csv file will include the following columns (and 100,000 rows):

  • claimTx represents a call to the Distributions.claim function. The round parameter of the call is set to 0 assuming we're on the very first round.
  • subscribeTx represents a call to the Subscriptions.subscribe function (with renewable argument set to true).
  • burnTx represents a call to the SubredditPoints.burn function (with amount argument set to 10 tokens (10 * 10^18 wei)).
  • transferTx represents a call to theSubredditPoints.transfer function. The recipient argument is set so that the first 50000 users send 1 token (1 * 10^18 wei) to the remaining 50000 users, and vice versa.

Each transaction is signed by the privateKey of the corresponding user (taken from the same row). The nonce of each transaction is set statically and starts from 0 for each address.

After this step, the users.csv file will be approximately 170 Mb.

Step 6 (optional). Send coins to the generated addresses

If the tested network doesn't support zero gas prices (i.e. you defined a non-zero GAS_PRICE env variable in the step 1), the test addresses for the load test should have some coins on their balances. For gas price of 1 GWei there should be at least 0.00043 coins on each of 100 000 addresses in users.csv to perform the load tests successfully.

To send coins to those addresses, make sure you defined the MULTISENDER_KEY env variable in .env. This is a private key of the address which holds the coins to be sent to the test addresses.

To do the sending, perform the following command:

$ npm run multisend

It will launch the script which will calculate an average amount of coins needed to be sent to each test address and then distribute the amounts. The average amount will be calculated based on the GAS_PRICE env variable. The amount can also be defined using the CLI option:

$ npm run multisend -- --amount [amount]

For example:

$ npm run multisend -- --amount 0.00086

The script will distribute amounts in batches (100 addresses in a batch by default). The size of the batch can be defined by the --batch CLI option.

The multisend script doesn't send the amount to an address if the address balance is greater or equal to the amount.

Step 7. Send load transactions

If you specified a non-zero GAS_PRICE env variable on the step 1, you first need to go through the step 6.

To launch a script for sending the generated transactions, there is npm run load command which accepts CLI options:

Usage: npm run load -- <options>

  -t, --type <type>           transaction type. Possible values: claim, subscribe, burn, transfer
  -p, --passes <number>       how many passes to perform. 0 for unlimited (default: 1)
  -l, --tx-limit <number>     how many transactions per one pass (default: 1)
  -i, --interval <number>     seconds between passes (default: 5)
  -q, --queue-limit <number>  receipt queue max size. 0 to ignore receipts (default: 200)
  -o, --offset <number>       starting position in users.csv (default: 0)
  -s, --stat                  shows how many txs of each type were sent (calculates Y/N flags from users.csv)
  -h, --help                  display help for command

The load script can perform each of four types of transactions written to users.csv. When running the script, it only performs transactions of a certain --type per the run.

To limit the load by a specified number of transactions, there are several options: --passes, --tx-limit, and --interval.

For example, to perform 1000 claim transactions and split them by 10 passes with 100 txs each per 5 seconds (this will help keep the transaction queue on the chain clear) run the following:

$ npm run load -- --type=claim --passes=10 --tx-limit=100 --interval=5

The script will not send transactions from the next pass until all transactions from the current pass are sent to the chain. So, we can relaunch the script with different --tx-limit parameters to regulate the load.

While the script works, transaction results are written to users.csv into a separate column and the current performance information is displayed in the console. For example:

2020-07-07 13:32:26 UTC Sending 50 'subscribe' transaction(s)...

2020-07-07 13:32:27 UTC Current stat: 751 succeeded, 0 reverted, 0 failed
2020-07-07 13:32:27 UTC Receipt queue size: 149
2020-07-07 13:32:27 UTC Total sent: 900
2020-07-07 13:32:27 UTC Sending progress: 90%
2020-07-07 13:32:27 UTC Receipts progress: 83%
2020-07-07 13:32:27 UTC Cumulative performance: 42.84 txs/sec

2020-07-07 13:32:27 UTC Sending 50 'subscribe' transaction(s)...

2020-07-07 13:32:28 UTC Current stat: 801 succeeded, 0 reverted, 0 failed
2020-07-07 13:32:28 UTC Receipt queue size: 149
2020-07-07 13:32:28 UTC Total sent: 950
2020-07-07 13:32:28 UTC Sending progress: 95%
2020-07-07 13:32:28 UTC Receipts progress: 84%
2020-07-07 13:32:28 UTC Cumulative performance: 42.15 txs/sec

There are four columns appended to the CSV by the load script, one column for each transaction type:


Each column can have an empty value or a boolean value of Y or N. For example, Y in the claimed column means that the corresponding claim transaction was successful, and N means that the transaction reverted. An empty value means that the corresponding transaction hasn't been sent yet (hasn't been handled by the load script).

For the specified --type the load script ignores the rows in users.csv which has already been set to Y or N for the corresponding column, and continues to send transactions for the rows that have an empty value for the corresponding column. That way, the load script can be launched several times (until it fills the corresponding column for all rows).

Stop the transaction script with CTRL+C or through SIGINT signal with the kill -2 <pid> command if needed: in this case, it completes sending the latest batch of transactions, waits until the receipt queue is fully handled, then terminates. This is the safest way to stop the script.

If you need to stop the load script completely, try CTRL+C twice or send SIGTERM signal with the kill -15 <pid> command: it will complete sending the latest batch of transactions, interrupt receipt queue handling, save the latest known transaction results to the CSV file, then terminate. Note that it won't write the transaction results from the remaining queue to the CSV, so SIGTERM may result in some lost tx results.

Load transactions should be performed in the following order (because the prepared transactions in users.csv are signed with an explicit nonce which is defined based on the order):

  • claim
  • subscribe
  • burn
  • transfer

This means that in the demo, users first claim tokens, then a subset of users subscribes to subreddit membership, a percentage burn their tokens, and finally users transfer tokens to each other.

Methods of sending transactions

There are two approaches to send transactions using the load script:

1. Send a batch of transactions to the chain and wait for receipts.

This method is turned on by default (when --queue-limit CLI option is set to a non-zero value). It is used for the xDai chain with 5-seconds blocks.

The load script reads transactions in chunks (size is defined by --tx-limit CLI option) from the users.csv and sends them to the chain using the web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction function. It occurs every --interval seconds until the number of --passes is reached or SIGINT signal is received.

A promise returned by the web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction is added to a queue and the queue is handled by a separate thread so it doesn't delay the main thread where sending occurs. The --queue-limit defines the maximum size of the queue: if it's reached, the main thread is paused until the queue size is reduced below the limit. This prevents a scenario where the RPC/IPC delays its response for some reason (or when a promise reaches a timeout) and causes the queue to grow uncontrollably.

When the transaction's promise is resolved, it returns a receipt with a result which is handled by the script and the transaction is marked as Y or N in the corresponding CSV column (see above).

This method receives transaction receipts then records transaction results into the CSV.

Initially, the load script handled transaction results in the main thread (right after being sent to the chain), but sending delays occured due to the time needed for receipts receiving and handling. Transactions were not sent every block, but often every other block. Currently, the script uses the separate thread to work with transaction receipts.

2. Send a batch of transactions to the chain without waiting for their results.

This method is activated when --queue-limit CLI option is set to zero and is used for qDai chain where blocks are produced every second.

Since there is a very small amount of time between blocks, we skip receipts handling for the transactions. The RPC can significantly delay responses due to a large amount of transactions per second.

As with the first approach, the load script reads transactions in chunks (which size is defined by --tx-limit CLI option) from the users.csv and sends them to the chain using eth_sendRawTransaction JSON RPC request (using web3's sendSignedTransaction). This occurs every --interval seconds (1 second in case of qDai) until the number of --passes is reached or SIGINT signal is received.

This approach only uses one thread (which only sends transactions and doesn't receive receipts). After a transaction is sent to the chain, the script immediately marks it as Y in the corresponding column in the CSV.

To send batch of eth_sendRawTransaction calls, we use web3's sendSignedTransaction along with web3.BatchRequest (if IPC is not used), or a socket connection (if IPC is used).

Emitted events

Each transaction emits the corresponding event:

All transactions and events can be examined using our Blockscout explorer.