This is an open collection of programming and computer related sites around the web. The idea is to have an up-to-date curated list that is categorized. To contribute, clone, edit and create a pull request.
- Big O Cheat Sheet Breakdown of common algorithms and their corresponding time/space complexities.
- Learn to Program in 10 Years A great reminder that programming is a skill and that it takes time and practice to master.
- The Best Programming Advice I Ever Got Collection of stories by well known programmers about advice they received and how it helped them.
- What is Code Paul Ford's extravagant essay/novella that tries to explain code. Warning, very long read.
- Programing Sucks Essay that explores why programing sucks.
- The Twelve-Factor App Methodology for building Software-as-a-Service that offers: declarative formats for setup automation, maximum portability between execution environments, suitable for deployment on modern cloud platforms, minimizing divergence between development and production, and can scale up without significant changes to tooling, architecture, or development practices.
- Clojure for the Brave and True Clojure tutorial in the spirit of Learn you a Haskell for Great Good.
- Clojure By Example Succinct overview of Clojure's syntax and idioms.
- Lamda Island Short bite sized screen cast
- How I Start Collection of tutorials that cover not only how to start in the language but also cover machine setup and project flow.
- Resources for New Go Programmers Collection of learning resources for the Go Programming Language.
- JavaScript Allonge Functional programming in JavaScript.
- JavaScript Spessore Object Oriented programming in JavaScript.
- Free JavaScript Book Collection A free collection of JavaScript books.
- JavaScript Module Pattern Examples and Explanation of the Module pattern.
- 7 JavaScript Things I Wish I Knew Earlier in My Career 7 tips. Mostly interesting for module coverage.
- Douglas Crockford's JavaScript Page A collection of articles about JavaScript that really explain how it works. By the man who brought us JSON, JSLint and JavaScript the Good Parts.
- You Don't Know JS Book series on JavaScript that does deep dives on each part of the language.
- ES6 Katas Series of katas that cover the new features in ES6.
- Learn Lisp The Hard Way Free online book created by the Toronto Lisp User Group. It follows the same format as Zed Shaw's Learn x The Hard Way books.
- RegExper Regex helper. Creates a visual representation of the regular expression that you enter.
- OWASP HTML5 Security Cheat Sheet
- Microcorruption Embedded Security CTF. Debuggers and assembler and hexadecimal oh my.
- Codecademy's Command Line Course Codecademy's Command Line course. Good place to start for beginners.
- Command Line Fu Collection of snippets submitted by users, great for one liners. (Hint: sort by votes)
- Emacs
- Emacs Reference Card Printable reference card with common Emacs chords.
- Sam's Teach Yourself Emacs in 24 hours Online version of Sam's Teach Yourself Emacs in 24 hours.
- Git
- Git-Flow workflow Covers Git-Flow, a common workflow used when using Git.
- Github workflow Covers the Github workflow.
- Pro Git Book The entire Pro Git book, written by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub and published by Apress.
- Adobe Kueler Color themes.
- Colour Lovers Color themes and patterns.
- Color Scheme Designer Color theme builder.
- Subtle Patterns Free patterns, CC BY-SA 3.0
- Typography in Ten Minutes Quick notes on typography.
- CodeWars Lot of challenges and katas for many different languages.
- 4Clojure Challenges to help you learn Clojure.
- A test-driven JS assessment A test-driven approach to assessing JS skills.
- Kolodny Coding challenges Some basic javascript coding challenges and interview questions.