Patch to fix various bugs and add quality of life improvements to the game. Since the game appears to be on life support I thought I would contribute something along the lines of what clicksaver, Anarchy Online Item Assistant Plus, et al have done for the community.
- Framerate cap is raised from 100fps to 144fps (ctrl+alt+f to show fps meter)
- Flash window navbar and titlebar when invited to a group or battlestation queue pops
- Numpad keys work correctly when typing in chat or the gmi interface
- Autorun hotkey has been improved
- Hotkey now acts as a toggle as is commmon in all other mmos
- You can now press the hotkey while manually running foward to engage autorun without having to stop
- When interacting with ingame help bots automatically open the text responses they send you
- Demo here (
- Only opens text links when the last message you sent was to the bot
- Tab targeting filter
- The following units are no longer tab targetable
- Unicorn Service Tower Alpha
- Unicorn Service Tower Delta
- Unicorn Service Tower Gamma
- Rookie Alien Hunter
- Altar of Torture
- Altar of Purification
- Guardian Spirit of Purification
- The following units are no longer tab targetable
- GMI Improvements
- You can now use commas when withdrawing money, placing buy orders, and placing sell orders.
- Bots will no longer appear in your reply list, /r and shift+r have a use again
- Increased view distance (defaults to 2000 up from 1000, off by default)
ingame slash command with tab completion for parameters and patches
Crash to desktop when opening the map
- Crash is caused by memory fragmentation causing malloc to fail when attempting to allocate enough memory for the map file
- Workaround is to enable the
flag in the AnarchyOnline executable - If we could get the source of the map, we could also try splitting the map into smaller submaps as was done by bitnykk for his shadowlands map
Mouse buttons 4 and 5 (Xbutton1 and Xbutton2 )double click is converted to single click since you cannot bind actions ingame to double clicks
- This means rapid pressing button 4 and 5 no longer produce dead presses that result in nothing happening
More hotkeys
- I'd like to add hotkeys for interacting with the trade skill window, move item to slot1, move item to slot2, complete tradeskill, clear tradeskill
- Move item to backpack hotkey, move currently picked up item to backpack
- Anything that would reduce stress caused by repetitive motion really
Improve Map crash logic
- Currently the patcher launches a copy of the AnarchyOnline.exe that is created in the appdata folder so that the checksum error does not occur when running multiple copies of AO
Have xp bar show progress to next research target when research is set to 100%
Flash titlebar/taskbar/play sound when receiving a private message
- Need to setup a way to add filters for this so darknet, raidbot private messages do not trigger it
- MS Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 (
You can download releases from the release page.
This project is aimed at the old client, while most of the patches should work on the beta client they have not been tested as extensively.
To use this plugin:
- Make sure the game is not running
- Drop
into Anarchy Online's base directory (next to Anarchy.exe and AnarchyOnline.exe)
To uninstall simply delete mswsock.dll
Log files can be found in %appdata%\AOPP\Logs
Configuration file is %appdata%\AOPP\config.json
First two things to check are if the vc++ redistributable is installed, second is if the dll has been "blocked" by windows.
These instructions are only relevant to you if you want to modify the plugin. To install it, go to the release page instead.
- Install Visual Studio 2019 (earlier versions might work as well but haven't been tested)
- Checkout source codes with git, or download source code as ZIP and extract.
- Use vcpkg ( to install the required libraries
vcpkg update
vcpkg install polyhook2:x86-windows-static gumbo:x86-windows-static spdlog:x86-windows-static nlohmann-json:x86-windows-static
Once finished, the plugin file mswsock.dll
will appear in the Release
You have to compile in release mode otherwise the data structures of the standard library will not align correctly.
GPL v3 license. See LICENSE.txt for details.