composer require xervice/processor
You must create a new process configuration plugin implementing \Xervice\Processor\Business\Dependency\ProcessConfigurationPluginInterface. That class you have to register in the ProcessorDependencyProvider to add your process.
A process is a data livecycle with the following steps:
- Read input
- Validate data
- Hydrate data
- Translate data
- Process data
- Write data
All login for the given steps can be configured in the process configuration plugin.
You can define an InputHandler in your process configuration to read the data.
* @return \Xervice\Processor\Business\Model\InputHandler\InputHandlerInterface
public function getInputHandler(): InputHandlerInterface
return new RawJsonFileRowInputHandler();
For validating you can add one or more ValidatorPlugins to your process configuration to validate your data. The config syntax is based on the xervice/validator module.
* @return \Xervice\Validator\Business\Dependency\ValidatorConfigurationProviderPluginInterface[]
public function getValidatorConfigurationPlugins(): array
return [
new TestValidator()
class TestValidator implements ValidatorConfigurationProviderPluginInterface
* @return array
public function getValidatorConfiguration(): array
return [
'test' => [
'required' => true,
'type' => IsType::TYPE_ARRAY
After your data is validated you can hydrate the information by adding HydratePlugins to your process configuration. Syntax of the configuration is based on the xervice/array-handler module.
Giving only the fieldname in the config will remove this entry from the data.
* @return \Xervice\Processor\Business\Dependency\ProcessHydratorPluginInterface[]
public function getHydratorPlugins(): array
return [
new TestHydrator()
class TestHydrator implements ProcessHydratorPluginInterface
* @return array
public function getHydratorConfiguration(): array
return [
'newValues' => function (array $payload) {
return [
After hydrating the information you can translate them into your needed structure. For that you can add translate plugins to your process configuration. Syntax is also based on the xervice/array-handler module. Here you can define TranslationFunction. You can add new TranslationFunctions to the ProcessorDependencyProvider.
* @return \Xervice\Processor\Business\Dependency\ProcessTranslationPluginInterface[]
public function getTranslatorPlugins(): array
return [
new TestTranslator()
class TestTranslator implements ProcessTranslationPluginInterface
* @return array
public function getTranslationConfiguration(): array
return [
'TestTranslator' => [
'field' => 'transOne',
'source' => 'newValues'
'transTwo' => function (array $payload) {
return $payload['transOne'] ?? null;
use Xervice\Processor\Business\Model\Translator\TranslatorInterface;
class TestTranslatorFunction implements TranslatorInterface
* @return string
public function getName(): string
return 'TestTranslator';
* @param array $payload
* @param array $options
* @return array
public function translate(array $payload, array $options = null): array
if (!isset($payload['isTranslated'])) {
$payload['isTranslated'] = 0;
if (is_array($options)) {
$payload[$options['field']] = $payload[$options['source']];
return $payload;
class ProcessorDependencyProvider extends \Xervice\Processor\ProcessorDependencyProvider
* @return \Xervice\Processor\Business\Dependency\ProcessConfigurationPluginInterface[]
protected function getProcessConfigurationPlugins(): array
return [
new ProcessConfiguration()
* @return \Xervice\Processor\Business\Model\Translator\TranslatorInterface[]
protected function getTranslatorFunctions(): array
return [
new TestTranslatorFunction()
Processing the data is the jump into your module business logic. For that you've a hook method in your process configuration. The return value is data payload you want to write.
* @param array $data
* @return array
public function process(array $data): array
$data['isProcessed'] = true;
// $this->getFacade()->processYourOwnData($data);
return $data;
At the end the data will be given to your OutputHandler to persist them. You can define the OutputHandler in your process configuration.
* @return \Xervice\Processor\Business\Model\OutputHandler\OutputHandlerInterface
public function getOutputHandler(): OutputHandlerInterface
return new RawJsonFileOutputHandler();
You can run a process by using the console command:
vendor/bin/xervice process:run -p YOUR_PROCESS_NAME
# With input and/or output info
vendor/bin/xervice process:run -p YOUR_PROCESS_NAME -i input
vendor/bin/xervice process:run -p YOUR_PROCESS_NAME -o output
vendor/bin/xervice process:run -p YOUR_PROCESS_NAME -i input -o output
Also you can use the ProcessorFacade to trigger a process:
$processConfig = (new ProcessRunDataProvider())