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XetCache provides persistent caching of long running functions or jupyter notebook cells.

The cache can be stored on local disk together with your notebooks and code (and using LFS, or the git-xet extension to store it with your git repo). Or alternatively, it can be fully managed by the XetHub service to easily share the cache with your collaborators.

Table of Contents

Our motivations

We created the xetcache library after our own frustrations working with Jupyter Notebooks with long running functions. You can get the full context by reading this blog post.


pip install xetcache

Or to install from source from GitHub:

pip install git+


Setup With Local

No additional set up needed. See Usage below.

Setup with Git Storage

If using LFS, you can just directly commit and push the cache files in the xmemo folder.

However, if using GitHub we recommend the use of XetHub's extensions to GitHub for performance and the ability to lazily fetch cached objects.

For instance, a repository with the XetHub extension will allow you to lazy clone the repository with

git xet clone --lazy [repo]

which will avoid fetching any large cached objects until they are actually needed.

Setup With XetHub

The use of the fully managed XetHub service provides more powerful data deduplication capabilities that allows similar objects to be stored or loaded, without needing to upload or download everything. We can also deploy caches near your compute workloads to accelerate dataloading by over 10x.


Signup on XetHub and obtain a username and access token. You should write this down.

There are three ways to authenticate with XetHub:

Command Line

xet login -e <email> -u <username> -p <personal_access_token>

Xet login will write authentication information to ~/.xetconfig

Environment Variable

Environment variables may be sometimes more convenient:

export XET_USER_EMAIL = <email>
export XET_USER_NAME = <username>
export XET_USER_TOKEN = <personal_access_token>

In Python

Finally if in a notebook environment, or a non-persistent environment, we also provide a method to authenticate directly from Python. Note that this must be the first thing you run before any other operation:

import pyxet
pyxet.login(<username>, <personal_access_token>, <email>)


Optional : to cache on XetHub, you need to run:

import xetcache
xetcache.set_xet_project([give a project name here])

Usage For Jupyter Notebooks

For Jupyter notebooks, run the following command to load the extension

import xetcache

After which adding the following line to the top of a cell

%%xetmemo input=v1,v2 output=v3,v4

will cache the specified output variables (v3,v4 here) each time it is called. If called later with the same input values for v1,v2, the cached value is returned and not reevaluated. The cache is persistent across Python runs.

By default, the output will only be cached if the cell takes longer the 3 seconds to run. "always=True" can be added to the xetmemo arguments to ignore the runime and to always cache:

%%xetmemo input=v1,v2 output=v3,v4 always=True

Note that inputs can be anything picklable including functions.

A key parameter can be added to group the stored objects together. Objects stored with one key will not be retrievable with a different key

%%xetmemo input=v1,v2 output=v3,v4 always=True key=experiment1

Usage For Function Caching

To cache the output of a function:

from xetcache import xetmemo

def slowfunction(arg1, arg2):

# Stores with a key
def slowfunction(arg1, arg2):

By default, the output will only be cached if the cell takes longer the 3 seconds to run. "always=True" can be added to the xetmemo arguments to ignore the runtime and to always cache:

# This will always cache irrespective of runtime
def slowfunction(arg1, arg2):

Usage For Function Call Caching

To cache a function call:

def slowfn(x): stuff..

# caches the call to slowfn with argument x
xeteval(slowfn, x)

# Stores with a key
xeteval("key", slowfn, x)

By default, the output will only be cached if the cell takes longer the 3 seconds to run. xeteval_always can be used instead to ignore the runtime and to always cache:

# Store even if function is quick to run
xeteval_always(quickfn, x)

# Store with a key and to always store even the function is quick to run
xeteval_always("key", quickfn, x)
