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Official Implementation of Agentic Skill Discovery (ASD)

This is the official implementation of agentic skill discovery, a framework driven by LLMs to generate task proposals based on the scene description and the robot's configurations. For each task, reinforcement learning processes, guided by LLM-derived success and reward functions, develop the necessary policies. An independent vision-language model ensures the reliability of learned behaviors.

The simulation is based on Isaac-sim.


  • DOING Currently organising code to run inside docker without manual configurations

Install necessary tools

apt-get update
apt-get install -y tmux zsh wget git python3 python3-pip vim openssh-client
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"

Configure Gitub authorization

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
cat ~/.ssh/

Copy the last line and add to SSH keys:

Install orbit and zero-hero

cd orbit
export ISAACSIM_PATH=/isaac-sim
export ORBIT_ROOT_DIR=$(pwd)

 /isaac-sim/kit/python/bin/python3 -m pip install "usd-core<24.00,>=21.11"
./ --install
./ --extra rsl_rl
ln -s ${ISAACSIM_PATH} _isaac_sim

cd zero_hero
git pull
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Modify orbit

            value = term_cfg.func(self._env, **term_cfg.params) * term_cfg.weight * dt
            # Add new line here
            value = value.squeeze()
            # update total reward
            self._reward_buf += value

Minimal Test

Launch under zero_hero directory to examine whether oribt is successfully installed.

../ -p rsl_rl/ --task Franka_Table --headless --num_envs 4096 --max_iterations 10

Normally, the training starts with a ~50k frames/s on a A100 gpu card.

Minimal Training Scripts

The to learn a single task with LLM+RL.

python3 task="Reach cube A." num_envs=4096 memory_requirement=32 min_gpu=90 temperature=0.7

Know issues

Install Everything Inside Isaac Sim Docker

Test whether IsaacSim docker works

Local docker test

  1. Pull docker image and run
docker run --name isaac-sim --entrypoint bash -it --gpus all -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" --rm --network=host \


  1. Inside the launched docker container, execute
cd /isaac-sim

If normal, no obvious error.

Extra information:

NVIDIA-SMI 550.54.15              Driver Version: 550.54.15      CUDA Version: 12.4

k8s Pod Test

  1. Create yaml with
./ --yaml isaacsim2.yaml --user gaede --pod isaacsim --image --gpumem 60 --env ACCEPT_EULA=Y PRIVACY_CONSENT=Y -- /bin/bash
  1. Edit isaacsim2.yaml by replacing the two Y with "Y" (as string instead of as bool value).

  2. Create pod with the yaml file

alias kubectl k
k create -f isaacsim2.yaml
k attach -it isaacsim2
  1. Inside the attached pod, run
cd /isaac-sim

May run into errors:

2024-04-16 08:45:58 [1,012ms] [Warning] [omni.platforminfo.plugin] failed to open the default display.  Can't verify X Server version.
2024-04-16 08:45:58 [1,032ms] [Error] [] VkResult: ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
2024-04-16 08:45:58 [1,032ms] [Error] [] vkCreateInstance failed. Vulkan 1.1 is not supported, or your driver requires an update.
2024-04-16 08:45:58 [1,032ms] [Error] [] carb::graphics::createInstance failed.
2024-04-16 08:45:58 [1,608ms] [Error] [] VkResult: ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
2024-04-16 08:45:58 [1,608ms] [Error] [] vkCreateInstance failed. Vulkan 1.1 is not supported, or your driver requires an update.
2024-04-16 08:45:58 [1,608ms] [Error] [] carb::graphics::createInstance failed.
2024-04-16 08:45:59 [2,155ms] [Error] [omni.gpu_foundation_factory.plugin] Failed to create any GPU devices, including an attempt with compatibility mode.

Extra information:

NVIDIA-SMI 550.54.14              Driver Version: 550.54.14      CUDA Version: 12.4