This project is a starter for a Create React App that has a few configured tools for development.
The folder structure is what first comes when you use create react app to create a new project. It hasn't been altered.
- husky (for git hooks setup)
- prettier and prettier-eslint (for code style even in IDE - a .prettierrc is present for rule extension)
- eslint (based from AirBnB and extended with prettier - a .eslintrc is present for rule extension)
- lint-staged (to run prettier and eslint - tests should also be included)
- commitlint (to assure conventional commits are performed)
- bash script to prevent commits in develop and master branches
- docker configuration to run the app in dev and in prod
- In your IDE you'll have the realtime eslint info if you configured it.
- Before each commit (if you are not in develop or master branches), prettier and eslint will come into play and format your code the way it should according to the linter. If linter finds errors, they will be reported and you'll have to fix them
- After this, the commit message will be verified against a conventional commit format and if is not well formatted, a warning will appear
Should all conditions above be cleared, the commit proceeds.
Before starting development, you have to build the images, so run:
docker-compose build
Once the image is build, just run:
docker-compose up -d
(-d is to run in detached mode)
NOTE: the .env file has a variable that defines if the script that docker runs creates a dev or prod version.
to create a docker with a dev environment
to create a docker with a prod environment
Your project is now running in localhost:3000
That is all, start developing!