We note that the pre-trained models are provided for easier reproduction of our reported results.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py --start_channel 4 --using_l2 2 --smth_labda 5.0 --lr 1e-4 --trainingset 4 --checkpoint 403 --iteration 201501
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python infer_bilinear.py --start_channel 4 --using_l2 2 --smth_labda 5.0 --lr 1e-4 --trainingset 4 --checkpoint 403 --iteration 201501
python compute_dsc_jet_from_quantiResult.py
We note that parts of the code are adopted from IC-Net, SYM-Net, and TransMorph (in chronological order of publication).
The preprocessed IXI data can be found in TransMorph.