An Atom plugin for Xi, a musical pattern language written in Ruby.
Just install Xi as instructed and install this package. No further configuration is needed.
In case you need to specify a different path for the Xi executable, set Xi Path in configuration page.
If you installed Ruby using RubyInstaller, you
will need to set the Xi Path configuration setting to the absolute path of
the xi.bat
executable. You will find this in the bin
directory inside your
Ruby installation directory. This is usually at
. You will also need to specify the command
line option --irb
because of a current bug related to Pry and Windows.
For example, if you installed Ruby 2.6 x64 (Windows 64-bit), and it is
installed at C:\
, you should set: C:\Ruby26-x64\bin\xi.bat --irb
- Open a new file ending with the
extension, or set file type to Xi. - Evaluate a paragraph with Ctrl+Enter (or Command+Enter). If this is the first time, Xi will be started.
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