Work in progress...
A Vim plugin for Xi, a musical pattern language written in Ruby.
This plugin communicate with Xi REPL asynchronously, so you need either Vim
8.0+ with +channel
and +job
, or Neovim.
- Open a .xi file
- Press
or run:XiStart
to start REPL - Write code and evaluate it
- ???
- Profit!
Install the plugin manually on your ~/.vim
(or ~/.local/share/nvim
if using
Neovim) or with a plugin manager, like
Plug 'xi-livecode/vim-xi'
For now you need to configure your REPL path. Run first on your terminal:
$ whereis xi
xi: /usr/local/bin/xi
And define on your .vimrc
let g:xi_repl = '/usr/local/bin/xi'
: Start Xi REPL<localleader>q
: Stop Xi REPL<localleader>ee
: Evaluate paragraph<localleader>h
: Silence all streams (hush)
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
Refer to the LICENSE file.