- 实现X轴和Y轴相机移动控制
- 添加可调节的移动速度和持续时间设置
- 集成相机缩放功能
- 支持自定义按键功能
- 提供5种预设镜头设置
- 支持中文和英文双语界面
- 图形用户界面(GUI),便于调整各项设置
- X轴和Y轴速度滑块,范围从-100到100
- 持续时间和平滑间隔可调
- 缩放方向和次数可选
- 热键支持:开始(F1)、停止(F2)和显示/隐藏窗口(F3)
- 窗口置顶功能
- 状态显示
- 本程序用ahk构建,你也可以通过ahk以及官方打包程序,通过ahk来生成exe可执行文件
- 请以管理员权限运行脚本
- 建议将游戏内相机旋转速度和缩放灵敏度调至最低
- X轴和Y轴速度不要设置在1到-1之间
- 在某些系统配置下,实际移动时间可能比设定时间长
感谢您使用GW2相机移动控制工具!如有任何问题或建议,欢迎在GitHub上提交issue或pull request。
New Features
- Implemented X-axis and Y-axis camera movement control
- Added adjustable movement speed and duration settings
- Integrated camera zoom functionality
- Support for custom key bindings
- Provided 5 preset camera settings
- Support for both Chinese and English interfaces
Main Features
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) for easy adjustment of settings
- X-axis and Y-axis speed sliders, ranging from -100 to 100
- Adjustable duration and smoothing interval
- Selectable zoom direction and frequency
- Hotkey support: Start (F1), Stop (F2), and Show/Hide window (F3)
- Window always-on-top functionality
- Status display
Usage Instructions
- This program is built with AHK. You can also generate an executable (.exe) file using AHK and the official packaging program
- Please run the script with administrator privileges
- It is recommended to set the in-game camera rotation speed and zoom sensitivity to the lowest
- Do not set X-axis and Y-axis speeds between 1 and -1
Known Issues
- On some system configurations, the actual movement time may be longer than the set time
Thank you for using the GW2 Camera Movement Control Tool! If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to submit an issue or pull request on GitHub.