QStreaming is a framework that simplifies writing and executing ETLs on top of Apache Spark
It is based on a simple sql-like configuration file and runs on any Spark cluster
To run QStreaming you must first define 2 files.
A job.dsl is a sql file defines the queries of the ETL pipeline
For example a simple job.dsl (actually is a sql like file) should be as follows:
-- DDL for streaming input which connect to a kafka topic
-- this declares five fields based on the JSON data format.In addition, it use the ROWTIME() to declare a virtual column that generate the event time attribute from existing ts field
create stream input table user_behavior(
user_id LONG,
item_id LONG,
category_id LONG,
behavior STRING,
eventTime as ROWTIME(ts,'1 minutes')
) using kafka(
-- DDL for streaming output which connect to a kafka topic
create stream output table behavior_cnt_per_hour
using kafka(
checkpointLocation = "behavior_cnt_per_hour"
-- CREATE VIEW count the number of "buy" records in each hour window.
create view v_behavior_cnt_per_hour as
window(eventTime, "1 minutes") as window,
COUNT(*) as behavior_cnt,
FROM user_behavior
window(eventTime, "1 minutes"),
-- persist result to kafka
insert into behavior_cnt_per_hour
from_unixtime(cast(window.start as LONG)/1000,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm') as time,
There are only two config options currently avaliable.
- debug
- job.file
debug = false //indicator whether QStreaming is running with DEBUG mode or not
job.file = job.dsl //file name of job.dsl(default is job.dsl)
There are three options to run QStreaming
To run on a cluster requires Apache Spark v2.2+
get the latest JAR file
There are two options to get QStreaming Jar files
- clone project and build
git clone git@github.com:qbox/QStreaming.git \ cd QStreaming && mvn clean install
- Download the last released JAR from here
Run the following command:
--class com.qiniu.stream.spark.core.StreamingApp \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode client \
--files "application.conf" \
To run on a standalone cluster you must first start a spark standalone cluster , and then run the following command:
--class com.qiniu.stream.spark.core.StreamingApp \
--master spark://IP:PORT \
--files "application.conf" \
It's also possible to use QStreaming inside your own project
QStreaming library requires scala 2.11
To use it adds the dependency to your project
add repository below
<repositories> <repository> <id>chaojunz-release</id> <url>https://packagecloud.io/qiniu/release/maven2</url> <releases> <enabled>true</enabled> </releases> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots> </repository> </repositories>
and dependency as follow
<dependency> <groupId>com.qiniu.stream</groupId> <dependency>stream-spark</dependency> <version>0.0.1</version> </dependency>
repositories { maven { url "https://packagecloud.io/qiniu/release/maven2" } }
compile 'com.qiniu.stream:stream-spark-example:0.0.1'
For SNAPSHOT support (needs SBT 0.13.8 or above), create or append the following to a
file in your project:addMavenResolverPlugin
Then, add this entry anywhere in your
file:resolvers += "qiniu-release" at "https://packagecloud.io/qiniu/release/maven2" libraryDependencies += "com.qiniu.stream" % "stream-spark-example" % "0.0.1"
we support following datasource as input:
- Kafka (streaming) with
format - HDFS/S3 with
storage format - Jdbc(e.g. mysql, sqlserver, oracle)
- MongoDB
- Apache Hbase
and following datasources as output:
- Kafka
- elasticsearch
- Apache Hbase
- MongoDB
- Jdbc(e.g. mysql, oracle)
- HDFS/S3 with
storage format
create stream input table user_behavior(
user_id LONG,
item_id LONG,
category_id LONG,
behavior STRING,
eventTime as ROWTIME(ts,'1 minutes')
) using kafka(
Above DDL statement define an input which connect to a kafka topic.
For detail information please refer to CreateSourceTableStatement for how to define an input and CreateSinkTableStatement for how to define an output.
QStreaming supports watermark which helps a stream processing engine to deal with late data.
There are two ways to use watermark for a stream processing engine
Adding ROWTIME(eventTimeField,delayThreshold) as a schema property in a ddl statement
create stream input table user_behavior( user_id LONG, item_id LONG, category_id LONG, behavior STRING, ts TIMESTAMP, eventTime as ROWTIME(ts,'1 minutes') ) using kafka( kafka.bootstrap.servers="localhost:9091", startingOffsets=earliest, subscribe="user_behavior", "group-id"="user_behavior" );
Above example means use
as event time field with 5 minutes delay thresholds -
Adding waterMark("eventTimeField, delayThreshold") as a view property in a view statement
create view v_behavior_cnt_per_hour(waterMark = "eventTime, 1 minutes") as SELECT window(eventTime, "1 minutes") as window, COUNT(*) as behavior_cnt, behavior FROM user_behavior GROUP BY window(eventTime, "1 minutes"), behavior;
Above example define a watermark use eventTime
field with 1 minute threshold
-- define UDF named hello
def hello(name:String) = {
s"hello ${name}"
QStreaming allow to define a dynamic UDF inside job.dsl, for more detail information please refer to createFunctionStatement
Above example define UDF with a string parameter.
create stream output table output using hbase(
quorum = ',,',
tableName = 'buy_cnt_per_hour',
rowKey = '<hour_of_day>',
cf = 'cf',
fields = '[{"qualified":"buy_cnt","value":"behavior_cnt","type":"LongType"}]',
where = 'behavior="buy"'
quorum = 'jjh714:2181,jjh712:2181,jjh713:2181,jjh710:2181,jjh711:2181',
tableName = 'order_cnt_per_hour
rowKey = '<hour_of_day>',
cf = 'cf',
fields = '[{"qualified":"order_cnt","value":"behavior_cnt","type":"LongType"}]',
where = 'behavior="order"'
) TBLPROPERTIES (outputMode = update,checkpointLocation = "behavior_output");
QStreaming allow you to define multiple output for streaming/batch process engine by leavarage foreEachBatch mode (only avaliable in spark>=2.4.0)
Above example will sink the behavior count metric to two hbase table, for more information about how to create multiple sink please refer to createSinkTableStatement
create batch input table raw_log
USING parquet(path="hdfs://cluster1/logs/day=<day>/hour=<hour>");
job.dsl file support variable interpolation from command line arguments , this is useful for running QStreaming as a periodic job.
For example, you can pass the value for theDayThatRunAJob
and theHourThatRunAJob
from an Airflow DAG
--name {{.dir}} \
--class com.qiniu.stream.spark.core.StreamingApp \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode client \
--num-executors 90 \
--executor-cores 4 \
--executor-memory 5g \
--driver-memory 4g \
--files "application.conf" \
--conf spark.driver.extraClassPath=./ \
--conf spark.executor.extraClassPath=./ \
stream-spark-0.0.1.jar \
-day theDayThatRunAJob
-hour theHourThatRunAJob\
QStreaming allow to monitor the kafka topic offset lag by adding the "group-id" connector property in ddl statement as below
create stream input table user_behavior(
user_id LONG,
item_id LONG,
category_id LONG,
behavior STRING,
eventTime as ROWTIME(ts,'1 minutes')
) using kafka(
We welcome all kinds of contribution, including bug reports, feature requests, documentation improvements, UI refinements, etc.
Thanks to all contributors!!
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (Apache License).
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