Fork with org-capture-extension . This is an extension for Google Chrome (tm) and Firefox (tm) which adds a “Capture” button, sending the site address, title, and selected text (if any) to emacs via org-protocol, see the [Org-Mode site] for instructions for setting that up org-protocol.
- Set your org-roam templates
(defun zp/org-protocol-insert-selection-dwim (selection)
"Insert SELECTION as an org blockquote."
(unless (string= selection "")
;;(format "#+begin_quote\n%s\n#+end_quote" selection)
(format "\n%s\n" selection)))
(setq org-roam-capture-ref-templates
'(("r" "ref" plain "* %U\n
%(zp/org-protocol-insert-selection-dwim \"%i\")%?"
:target (file+head "web/${slug}.org"
"#+title: ${title}\n
#+roam_key: ${ref}\n
#+created: %u\n"
:unnarrowed t)))
- Set org-roam dir
(setq org-roam-directory "~/mydir")
- Seting org-protocol
See .
- Install extension
Firefox: Org roam Capture .
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd org-roam-capture-extension
make dep #run some `npm install`
make ext #run some `npm build`
This project referred, forked, or used some parts of the codes from the other projects:
Project URL | Usage | Licenses of Used Parts |
mixmark-io/turndown | Forked as HTML to Org-Mode converter | MIT |
org-capture-extension | Forked as to org-roam | MIT |
copy-as-org-mode | Copy some html2org code | MPL-2.0 |