A front end solution for mutlimedia loading, mux, demux, stream and play.
Mccree is a front end multimedia framework, which is able to loading, mux, demux and play. It is written in ECMAScript 6, use Lerna for package management. The ability of mccree is highly depends on its packages. Currently, it support the following features:
- Load source through the web fetch API.
- Load source through the Mozilla XMLHttpRequest API.
- Load source through the Tencent p2p SDK.
- Demux Flv format video.
- Remux H264 and AAC to Mp4 format.
- Playback through the web MediaSource Extension.
- Mse plugin
- Support hevc codec.
- Support XY and Tencent P2P.
The following features will be supported soon:
- Load hls source through the web XMLHttpRequest API.
- Load source from local flv file.
- Demux m3u8 and ts file (hls).
- Audio Context (Gain) feature.
TBA (After panda-mccree-live module released)
name | dev | test | doc | comments | developer | org |
mccree-core | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
mccree-core-track | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
mccree-core-loaderbuffer | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
mccree-helper-utils | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
mccree-helper-logger | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
mccree-helper-browser | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
mccree-controller-loader | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
mccree-loader-fetch | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
mccree-loader-moz-xhr | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
mccree-loader-tencentp2p | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Tencent Team | Tencent |
mccree-loader-xyp2p | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | xycdn Team | xycdn |
mccree-demuxer-flv | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
mccree-remuxer-mp4live | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
mccree-remuxer-hevc | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Bing Dai | PandaTv |
mccree-plugin-mse | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Bing Dai | PandaTv |
mccree-plugin-mse-hevc | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Bing Dai | PandaTv |
panda-mccree-live | 100% | 100% | √ | √ | Yuqing Jiang | PandaTv |
name | github | blog | |
Yuqing Jiang | yqjiang | jiangyuqing@panda.tv | |
Jiaqi Li | lee920217 | lijiaqi@panda.tv | |
Yongwei Kang(mochen) | imochen | kangyongwei@panda.tv | |
Bing Dai | virginiadb | daibing@panda.tv |
- Tencent team
name | github | blog | |
Guangge Lv | --- | --- | --- |
Lipeng Cui | --- | --- | --- |
- xycdn team
name | github | blog |
Read ./docs/en/developer.md
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