Docker images tailored for xNVMe, distributed as GitHUB Packages via the GitHUB Container Registry. See the list of Docker images here.
The Docker images contain the build and runtime requirements for xNVMe on Linux. That is, the tools and libraries needed to build and run xNVMe.
- Utilize the same "installation-instructions" as described in the xNVMe docs
- A convenient side-effect is that the instructions are continously "tested"
- Updated every 12th hour
The Docker images generated here are intended to be used by the xNVMe GitHUB actions. However, they can of course be utilized manually, for example::
docker run -it bash
Generating the Docker-images and deploying them to the GitHUB container registry takes about 20 minutes. The actual "build-time" varies by Linux Distribution from 1-18 minutes. The build-time is spend on updating distro-package-repositories, installing packages, building and installing other tools/libraries from source.
For bleeding edge distros, it takes about a minute, except for Gentoo which builds everything from source, this takes about 18mintes. The others vary based on a variety of factors. In some cases the build fails because distro-repositories time out, become unavailable, and in other ways "fail". To avoid these and reduce the time on xNVMe CI jobs, then these Docker images are provided.
The CI still have to wait for Windows, MacOS, and FreeBSD. It also does not help for the CI-jobs doing "verification" with emulated NVMe devices. However, it makes a lot more convenient when debugging build-issues on the various distributions, and for the basic 'build-linux' jobs, reduces time spent by about 16min.
When changes are made to Linux distribution support for xNVMe, that is, new distros added, or current distributions removed, then:
- Adjust the workflow
- it has the list of Linux distributions it is generating Docker images for
- the list is also used by the
- Adjust the Dockerfile in
- Remove all:
rm -rf dockerfiles
- Generate them:
- Remove all:
- Commit and push the changes
- New "packages" need to change visibility from
- Go to the landing packge for the Docker Image / package
- Click on Package Settings
- Scroll to the bottom and blick on "Change Visilibility"
In addition to the docker-images for build/dependencies, then a docker-image is provided containing qemu-nvme with bleeding-edge functionality.
- Generate images for arm64
- Tag/label matching xNVMe releases