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Cast a Spell Before Mounting

mbattersby edited this page Jul 23, 2024 · 1 revision

To get LiteMount to pre-cast a spell every time you mount up, you can either use a Rule or the Advanced Options.

This only applies to regular (journal) mounts, and not item-summoned mounts or other mount spells. The spell must have no cast time (but can trigger a GCD, the journal mounts ignore it and will summon anyway).


In the Rules settings panel, create a new rule with no conditions ("always"). Set the action to "Cast Spell Before Mounting" and in the text box type the name of the spell (e.g., Crusader Aura). Put the rule before any mount actions (at the top is safest).

You can add multiple rules of this type, and only the last spell that you can cast will be applied.

Advanced Options

In the action list for the key binding(s), before the line that says


copy-and-paste this into a new line:

PreCast Crusader Aura

optionally you can include spells for other classes:

PreCast Crusader Aura, Path of Frost, Slow Fall, Water Walking

If you are running the game in a language other than English, you will have to use the localized names or the spell IDs:

PreCast 32223, 3714, 130, 546