See xparse/Parser
Recursive Pagination allows you to parse website pages recursively. You need to pass link from where to start and set next page expression (xPath, css, etc).
You can install the package via Composer
$ composer require xparse/recursive-pagination
Try to find all links to the repositories on github. Our query will be xparse
With recursive pagination we can traverse all pagination links and process each resulting page to fetch repositories links.
use Xparse\Parser\Parser;
use Xparse\RecursivePagination\RecursivePagination;
# init Parser
$parser = new Parser();
# set expression to pagination links
$paginator = new RecursivePagination($parser, "//*[@class='pagination']//a/@href");
# set initial page url
$allLinks = [];
while (($page = $paginator->getNextPage())) {
# set expression to fetch repository links
$adsList = $page->value("//*[@class='repo-list-name']//a/@href")->getItems();
# merge and remove duplicates
$allLinks = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($allLinks, $adsList)));
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
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