Coast is the Cloud Operation and Support Team
This is the learning path every new cloud engineer has to follow when joining the XPeppers Cloud team. This path reflects our team's culture and values, which have their roots in the agile values and principles.
Please feel free to fork and contribute, add materials, fix the existing ones and propose new stuff.
During all the plan read The Phoenix Project.
Articles and presentations:
- The Incredible True Story of How DevOps Got Its Name
- Slides of 10+ Deploys Per Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr
- What is this devops thing anyway/
- DevOps / Infrastructure as Code
- 10 practices for effective devops
- Deployment is just a part of dev/ops cooperation, not the whole thing
- There’s No Such Thing as a “Devops Team”
- Turning student groups into effective teams
- 2019 - Chaos Engineering — Part 1
- 2018 - The Agile Fluency Model
- 2018 - The Andon Cord
- 2015 - Factorish and The Twelve-Fakter App
- Pomodoro technique
- Chapter 2 Implementing Lean Software Development
- Chaters 1-3 of [Extreme Programming] Explained(
- 2019 - The Unicorn Project: A Novel about Developers, Digital Disruption, and Thriving in the Age of Data
Articles and presentations:
- Kanban in Action: Part 2 - the case study
- Capitoli 4-7 Extreme Programming Explained
- AWS Technical Essentials
- Infrastructure as code on AWS
- Ansible get started
- Test Kitchen con Ansible
- Replicate Infrastructure as code on AWS with Ansible
- Lambda and Serverless architecture
- AWS API gateway
- Getting started with aws proxy
- Identity and access management
Articles and presentations:
- Capitoli 1-3 Continuous Delivery
- Capitoli 3,4,5 Implementing Lean Software Development
- Articles and presentations:
- TDD sull’infrastruttura
- Docker get started
- Docker on AWS
- Books:
- Part 1 TDD by Example
- Chapters 5-7 Test-Driven Infrastructure with Chef
- Videos:
- Exercises:
- Docker
Articles and presentations:
Articles and presentations:
- Amazon ECR
- Amazon ECS Getting Started
- Concetti fondamentali
- Istruzioni dettagliate
- Architetture di riferimento
- Deploy Kubernetes App on frameworks
- App Mesh Getting Started
- AWS Cloud Map
Articles and presentations:
- Articles and presentations:
- AWS Overview
- Managing Your AWS Infrastructure at Scale
- Amazon Web Services in Actions - Capitoli 4-5
- Introduction to DevOps on AWS
- DevOps at Amazon
- CodeDeploy
- AWS Cloudformation User Guide
- AWS CLoudformation BestPractices
- Deep-Dive in to Blue/Green Deployment
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Scaling Your Application with EB
- ECS Deployment
- Docker on AWS
- Next-Generation Application with ECS
- DevOps bookmarks Discover tools and frameworks in the DevOps landscape
- High Scalability
- Dev2Ops
- CodeAsCraft (blog dei devops di Etsy)
- Netflix Techblog
- Aphyr