Main changes:
- Saving Athena File from Larch/Larix now gives files that Athena can read
- CIF and XRD and CIF->Feff.inp conversion has been improved and migrated to the separate larixite project.
Bug fixes:
make sure multi-column imports sets 'mu' array
multiple improvements to reading data lines, including respecting allow_dates, allowing semicolon- or tab-delimited lines.kk
avoid system bell on invalid floats for parameter widgets
add R^2 to fit stats for pre-edge peak fitting
add spline option for rebinning xafs (now set as default)
fix bug when saving athena projects that prevented them to be read by athena.
make athena project writing for consistency with Athena
reorder pyFAI imports for Windows
fix pre_edge docstring
relax requirement for pymatgen for Py3.9
using utilities from pyshortcuts where possibie
xrd1d: fix core-dump on exit, add check for currrent CIF before calculating HKLs
add larixite as dependency, use dbs and code from there
using larixite as a separate repo for cif2feff and general CIF/XRD data
use epicsscan to connect to ScanDB
better retain datatype when reading column frame data
fixes for Rixs reader
fix saving feffit result chi in all spaces
more dependency version updates, drop Python 3.8
change license to MIT for consistency with other projects, update requirements
update to BLISS/HDF5 files
only set shell wx if LarchWxApp is imported, for whatever reaseon
fix storing of port for larch_server
Bug fix for using feff6l and feff8l
update to Struct2xas v2407 (before refactoring)
better mapping of unique xtal sites to feff input formatting tweaks
better saving of chi(q) outputs
feffit_panel: make sure FT params are used on data
add support for XAFS pre-edge that is a constant value
remove dups (and nans) when merging groups
remove duplicate energies when reading athena projects
some more fixes for CIF processing
remove pycifrw from dependencies and github workflows
github actions now use conda, no longer needing mamba