Domain driven designed base models with flowtype support
This project is work in progress
Javascript lacks good implementation of reference base models, that you can reuse in applications. While there exists attempts, to create modelling libraries, they implement only some aspects of domain driven design and lack may needed features. This module consits of three components::
- ValueObject
- Model
- Entity
Value object is encapsulator of arbitary object represented value with validation support. What this means it can load any json data and checks if data is correct. It has several features that ValueObjects should have:
- self validation
- immutability
- value getters
Example ValueObject
// @flow
const ValueObject = require('modeljs').ValueObject;
type User = {
username: string;
password: string;
class UserValueObject extends ValueObject<User> {
static get schema() {
return Joi.object({
username: Joi.string().alphanum().required(),
password: Joi.string().min(8).required(),
const user1 = new UserValueObject({username: 'test', password: 'password'});
user1.isValid(); // would return true
const user2 = new UserValueObject({username: 'test', password: 'short'});
user2.isValid(); // would return false since password is too short
const user3 = user2.update({password: 'newPassword'}); // update with a new value
user3.get('password') === user2.get('password'); // returns false, since ValueObject is immutable
Entity is a base model class that can be used for implementing domain application logic. It encapsulates ValueObject and provides change tracking of model data. User can provide any additional state by extending Entity object.
Example Entity
const Entity = require('modeljs').Entity;
const ValueObject = require('modeljs').ValueObject;
type User = {
username?: string;
password?: string;
type ResourceState = {
id?: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt?: Date;
class Resource<T, D: Object, S: ResourceState> extends Entity<T, D, S> {
get InitialState() {
return {createdAt: new Date()};
update(data: D) {
this.state.updatedAt = new Date();
class UserValueObject extends ValueObject<User> {
get schema() {
return Joi.object({
username: Joi.string().required(),
password: Joi.string().min(8)
get updateSchema() {
return this.schema.keys({
username: Joi.strip()
class CreateUserValueObject extends UserValueObject {
get schema() {
return super.schema.requiredKeys(['password']);
type UserState = ResourceState & {
hashedPassword: string;
class UserModel extends Resource<UserModel, User, UserState> {
get ValueObject() {
if (this.isNew) {
return CreateUserValueObject;
return UserValueObject;
get InitialState() {
return {createdAt: new Date(), activated: false};
npm install modeljs
To make flowtype working in your application, do not forget to add package path to flowconfig file.
See API reference
Jaka Hudoklin