Releases: xtuml/masl
Releases · xtuml/masl
- Update to build documentation
- Update example projects
- Update MASL templates
- This version re-implements the old "buffered IO" binary serialization format for serialization over Kafka. The goal is to compare the performance with the JSON serialization.
polled Kafka topics
Consumers can now poll a Kafka topic as well as asynchronously receive messages.
- Add command line configuration for offset reset behavior
- Change data exchange to be based on sequences of bytes rather than strings for future flexibility in serialization/deserialization
- Add mechanism to mark terminator services as polled kafka topics
logging, hash, kafka
This release rolls up several enhancements and a few fixes.
The Hash utility is included and being used in production models.
log4cpp has seen a lot of mileage.
Kafka continues to be refined.
logging with package and version
Access to package and version properties is introduced in this tag.
logging with hashing fixes
This is an interim pre-release to enable building with these changes.
more logging enhancements
This is a pre-release tag so that we can build from it on remote servers.
logging enhancements testing
log4cplus has enhancements in both file and kafka appenders