Repository includes working PyTorch pipeline to train a model and make inferences.
Here are my tutorials that explain it in details:
- Gentle introduction to 2D Hand Pose Estimation: Approach Explained
- Gentle introduction to 2D Hand Pose Estimation: Let's Code It!
For this project, open-source FreiHAND dataset is used.
Repository has the following files:
- notebooks/Train Notebook.ipynb (notebook to train a model)
- notebooks/Inference Notebook.ipynb (notebook for inferences)
- utils/ (model class)
- utils/ (dataset class to load FreiHAND dataset)
- utils/ (class to train model)
- utils/ (supplementary functions)
- weights/model_final (trained model weights)
- requirements.txt (required packages & versions)
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.