By Xueyin Wan, Liang Peng
CIS 660 Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Animation
Instructor: Stephen Lane
University of Pennsylvania
- Shizhe Zhou, Hongbo Fu, Ligang Liu, Daniel Cohen-Or, Xiaoguang Ha. Parametric Reshaping of Human Bodies in Images. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 29, No. 4, Article 126, Publication date: July 2010.
- N. Hasler, C. Stoll, M. Sunkel, B. Rosenhahn, and H.-P. Seidel. A Statistical Model of Human Pose and Body Shape. EUROGRAPHICS 2009 / P. Dutré and M. Stamminger.
- Ilya Baran, Jovan Popovic. Automatic Rigging and Animation of 3D Characters. ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 conference proceedings.
The project is to create a very convenient tool that could allow users conveniently adjust body pose and shape to their desired effects. Users only need to adjust a small set of parameters, such as weight and height, and could get very satisfactory results .
- C++ for main algorithm implementation and MEL for UI development.
- Eigen Library added to deal with matrix calculation.
- Automatic Rigging
- Relative Rotation Encoding
- PCA(Principal Component Analysis)
- Regression
- Relative Rotation Decoding
@INPROCEEDINGS{HasStoSunRosSei09, author = {N. Hasler and C. Stoll and M. Sunkel and B. Rosenhahn and H.-P. Seidel}, title = {A Statistical Model of Human Pose and Body Shape}, booktitle = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics 2008)}, year = 2009, editor = {P. Dutr{'e} and M. Stamminger}, volume = 2, number = 28, address = {Munich, Germany}, month = MAR }