Releases: xuri/excelize-py
Releases · xuri/excelize-py
We are pleased to announce the release of version 0.0.3. Featured are a handful of new areas of functionality and numerous bug fixes.
A summary of changes is available in the Release Notes.
Release Notes
The most notable changes in this release are:
Notable Features
There are 99 normal mode functions available in this version
- add_chart
- add_chart_sheet
- add_comment
- add_form_control
- add_picture
- add_picture_from_bytes
- add_pivot_table
- add_shape
- add_slicer
- add_sparkline
- add_table
- add_vba_project
- auto_filter
- calc_cell_value
- close
- copy_sheet
- delete_chart
- delete_comment
- delete_defined_name
- delete_picture
- delete_sheet
- delete_slicer
- duplicate_row
- duplicate_row_to
- get_active_sheet_index
- get_app_props
- get_cell_formula
- get_cell_hyperlink
- get_cell_rich_text
- get_cell_style
- get_cell_value
- get_col_outline_level
- get_col_style
- get_col_visible
- get_default_font
- get_row_visible
- get_rows
- get_sheet_dimension
- get_sheet_index
- get_sheet_name
- get_style
- get_tables
- get_workbook_props
- group_sheets
- insert_cols
- insert_page_break
- insert_rows
- merge_cell
- move_sheet
- new_conditional_style
- new_sheet
- new_stream_writer
- new_style
- protect_sheet
- protect_workbook
- remove_col
- remove_page_break
- remove_row
- save
- save_as
- search_sheet
- set_active_sheet
- set_cell_bool
- set_cell_formula
- set_cell_hyperlink
- set_cell_int
- set_cell_rich_text
- set_cell_str
- set_cell_style
- set_cell_value
- set_col_outline_level
- set_col_style
- set_col_visible
- set_col_width
- set_conditional_format
- set_default_font
- set_defined_name
- set_doc_props
- set_header_footer
- set_page_layout
- set_page_margins
- set_panes
- set_row_height
- set_row_outline
- set_row_style
- set_row_visible
- set_sheet_background
- set_sheet_background_from_bytes
- set_sheet_col
- set_sheet_dimension
- set_sheet_name
- set_sheet_props
- set_sheet_row
- set_sheet_view
- set_sheet_visible
- set_workbook_props
- ungroup_sheets
- unmerge_cell
- update_linked_value
7 utility functions
- cell_name_to_coordinates
- column_name_to_number
- column_number_to_name
- coordinates_to_cell_name
- new_file
- open_file
- open_reader
7 streaming mode functions
- add_table
- flush
- insert_page_break
- merge_cell
- set_col_width
- set_panes
- set_row