git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
- Follow
- Add
let g:ycm_server_python_interpreter='/usr/bin/python'
to .vimrc
- Haven't succeeded yet :)
- cc: comment one line or the selected text in the visual mode
- i: turn off/on visualized indent
- u: cancel, ctr + r: cancel last u
- Uninstall plugin through Vundle:
- delete the line for that plugin;
- then run
- NerdTree:
- shift + c: zoom into select folder
- u: zoom out to root folder
- m: folder operations, ESC: exit fold operations mode
- i: open new vertical tab for selected file
- s: open new horizonal tab for selected file
- r: refresh current directory
- R: refresh root directory
- Ctags:
- ctags -R . : generate tags file
- ctrl + ]: jump to definition
- ctrl + o/t: jump back
- Tagbar:
- F9: show tagbar
- Vim:
- :tabe xx.file: open a new tab for this file