Welcome to the PlatON source code repository! This software is Ethereum-based and it has changed some peculiarities according the PlatON's whitepaper.
For prerequisites and detailed build instructions please read the Installation Instructions on the Docs.
Building platon requires both a Go (version 1.7 or later) and a C compiler. You can install them using your favourite package manager. Once the dependencies are installed, run
make platon
or, to build the full suite of utilities:
make all
If you want to Building platon with MPC function, run
make platon-with-mpc
make all-with-mpc
If you want to Building platon with VC function, run
make platon-with-vc
make all-with-vc
The project comes with several executables found in the cmd
Command | Description |
platon |
Our main PlatON CLI client. It is the entry point into the PlatON network |
ethkey |
a key related tool. |
first, you need to get an account:
$ ./platon --datadir ./data account new
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Repeat passphrase:
Address: {566c274db7ac6d38da2b075b4ae41f4a5c481d21}
second, generate a private node's key pair and save the PrivateKey as a file named 'nodekey' into the ./data
$ ./ethkey genkeypair
Address : 0xA9051ACCa5d9a7592056D07659f3F607923173ad
PrivateKey: 1abd1200759d4693f4510fbcf7d5caad743b11b5886dc229da6c0747061fca36
PublicKey : 8917c748513c23db46d23f531cc083d2f6001b4cc2396eb8412d73a3e4450ffc5f5235757abf9873de469498d8cf45f5bb42c215da79d59940e17fcb22dfc127
then, edit the following content and save it as json file, such as genesis.json:
"config": {
"chainId": 300,
"homesteadBlock": 1,
"eip150Block": 2,
"eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"eip155Block": 3,
"eip158Block": 3,
"byzantiumBlock": 4,
"cbft": {
"initialNodes": ["enode://8917c748513c23db46d23f531cc083d2f6001b4cc2396eb8412d73a3e4450ffc5f5235757abf9873de469498d8cf45f5bb42c215da79d59940e17fcb22dfc127@"]
"nonce": "0x0",
"timestamp": "0x5c074288",
"extraData": "0x00",
"gasLimit": "0x99947b760",
"difficulty": "0x40000",
"mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"alloc": {
"0x566c274db7ac6d38da2b075b4ae41f4a5c481d21": {
"balance": "999000000000000000000"
"number": "0x0",
"gasUsed": "0x0",
"parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
at last, init the chain as follow:
$ ./platon --datadir ./data init platon.json
and it will output msg as:
Successfully wrote genesis state
so we can launch the node:
$ ./platon --identity "platon" --datadir ./data --nodekey ./data/platon/nodekey --rpcaddr --rpcport 6789 --rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3,admin,personal" --rpc --nodiscover
> eth.sendTransaction({from:"0x566c274db7ac6d38da2b075b4ae41f4a5c481d21",to:"0x3dea985c48e82ce4023263dbb380fc5ce9de95fd",value:10,gas:88888,gasPrice:3333})
Check the balance:
> eth.getBalance("0x3dea985c48e82ce4023263dbb380fc5ce9de95fd")
OK, it seems that the chain is running correctly
For more information, please visit our Docs.