Generate idiomatic Python dataclasses from a protobuf schema.
The generated Python dataclasses include to
, and
methods which allow converting between the dataclass and
protobuf representations.
These methods depend on the modules generated by the official Python protobuf generator.
This generator is intended to be used for APIs which need to instantly familiar to Python developers, and not forcing them to learn the quirks of the official Python protobuf API. If performance is a goal, I'd recommend sticking with the official Python protobuf API. If low friction APIs are more important, then give this a shot.
If you're looking at this, you may also be interested in protoplus, betterproto, or pure-protobuf.
Support for proto3 syntax. No support for proto2.
Supports well known types for wrappers, timestamp, any, and struct.
Currently no support for nested messages, nested enums, (send a PR, it should be easy to add), field masks or reflection types.
Schema source
message Example {
int64 life_the_universe_and_everything = 1;
repeated Example examples = 2;
oneof wat {
string javascript = 3;
string golang = 4;
Example another_example = 5;
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 6;
Usage source
from datetime import datetime
from example.v1.example_protodc import Example, ExampleWatOneof as Oneof
dc = Example(
dc.javascript = "eval('while(true){}')"
# Round trip to JSON and back.
txt = dc.to_protojson()
dc2 = Example.from_protojson(txt)
# Round trip to a python protobuf and back.
pb = dc.to_protobuf()
dc3 = Example.from_protobuf(pb)
# Check that nothing was lost in translation...
print(dc == dc2 == dc3)
Generated Dataclass source
class ExampleWatOneof(enum.Enum):
NONE = 0
javascript = 1
golang = 2
another_example = 3
class Example:
life_the_universe_and_everything: int = 0
examples: list['Example'] = field(default_factory=list)
which_wat: ExampleWatOneof = ExampleWatOneof.NONE
wat: Union[None, 'str', 'str', 'Example'] = None
time: Optional[datetime] = None
def __post_init__(self):
if self.wat is not None and self.which_wat in (None, ExampleWatOneof.NONE):
raise Exception('example.v1.Example: which_wat not passed in constructor')
def to_protojson(self):
return google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToJson(self.to_protobuf())
def from_protojson(json_str):
pb = example.v1.example_pb2.Example()
google.protobuf.json_format.Parse(json_str, pb)
return Example.from_protobuf(pb)
def to_protobuf(self, target_pb: google.protobuf.message.Message = None, depth: int = 0) -> 'example.v1.example_pb2.Example':
if depth > 100:
raise Exception('to_protobuf(): too much nesting in example.v1.Example: often caused by a circular reference.')
if target_pb is not None:
pb = target_pb
pb = example.v1.example_pb2.Example()
if self.life_the_universe_and_everything is not None:
pb.life_the_universe_and_everything = self.life_the_universe_and_everything
if self.examples is not None:
for x in self.examples:
x.to_protobuf(target_pb=pb.examples.add(), depth=depth+1)
if self.which_wat is None or self.which_wat == ExampleWatOneof.NONE:
elif self.which_wat == ExampleWatOneof.javascript:
pb.javascript = self.wat
elif self.which_wat == ExampleWatOneof.golang:
pb.golang = self.wat
elif self.which_wat == ExampleWatOneof.another_example:
self.wat.to_protobuf(target_pb=pb.another_example, depth=depth+1)
raise Exception('to_protobuf(): unexpected value for example.v1.Example.wat')
if self.time is not None:
return pb
def from_protobuf(pb: 'example.v1.example_pb2.Example', depth: int = 0) -> 'Example':
if depth > 100:
raise Exception('from_protobuf(): too much nesting in example.v1.Example: often caused by a circular reference.')
dc = Example()
dc.life_the_universe_and_everything = pb.life_the_universe_and_everything
dc.examples = [Example.from_protobuf(x, depth=depth+1) for x in pb.examples]
oneof_field_name = pb.WhichOneof('wat')
if oneof_field_name is None:
elif oneof_field_name == 'javascript':
dc.which_wat = ExampleWatOneof.javascript
dc.wat = pb.javascript
elif oneof_field_name == 'golang':
dc.which_wat = ExampleWatOneof.golang
dc.wat = pb.golang
elif oneof_field_name == 'another_example':
dc.which_wat = ExampleWatOneof.another_example
dc.wat = Example.from_protobuf(pb.another_example, depth+1)
raise Exception('from_protobuf(): unexpected value for example.v1.Example.wat')
if pb.HasField('time'):
dc.time = pb.time.ToDatetime()
return dc
def javascript(self) -> Optional['str']:
if self.which_wat == ExampleWatOneof.javascript:
return self.wat
return None
def javascript(self, value: 'str'):
self.which_wat = ExampleWatOneof.javascript
self.wat = value
def golang(self) -> Optional['str']:
if self.which_wat == ExampleWatOneof.golang:
return self.wat
return None
def golang(self, value: 'str'):
self.which_wat = ExampleWatOneof.golang
self.wat = value
def another_example(self) -> Optional['Example']:
if self.which_wat == ExampleWatOneof.another_example:
return self.wat
return None
def another_example(self, value: 'Example'):
self.which_wat = ExampleWatOneof.another_example
self.wat = value
Install the Go toolchain.
Install the buf build CLI.
Copy protodc/
to the source root.
Configure your buf.gen.yaml
. It should look like below.
This uses go run
to download and compile the plugin from the source github.
version: v1
enabled: true
#FIXME This value isn't actually used but is the go protobuf compiler toolchain checks for it's presence.
default: gen
- plugin: protoc-gen-python-protodc
out: .
# See tags for latest version in case I forget to update this - update the @v0.1.0 at the end.
path: ["go", "run", "go run"]
- plugin:
out: .
opt: pyi_out=.
Experiment with generating protojson directly without the protobuf dependency.
- actual documentation
- include doc strings in type
- generate protodc py package - perhaps a separate flag to run it in non generator mode?
- write actual python tests - automate with Makefile
- handle None in compound types - maybe ok already - check.
- Add comments for oneof fields in field list.
- Add a type check to oneof post_init that the xxx value matches what's in which_xxx.
- autogenerate a register all function
- add some checks to register to catch typos
- get rid of go namespace option from plugin
- write actual python tests - automate with Makefile
- full nullkind support - weird!
- check error message quality - or at least document comment mistakes
- optional support in weird cases - what is an optional message vs standard message
- better avoidance of name collisions - start with import as __
- get rid of go namespace option from plugin
- non-root directory proto/output location
- nested enums and nested messages
- reflection types
- field masks
- what is "group kind"
- get rid of trailing spaces