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I want to do some exp to understand how the compiler can check the code syntax. I know it will build an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) from the raw code then traverse the tree to check the syntax is correct or not? also generate anything from the Tree but yeah need to get my hand on dirty to find out.

What I cannot create, I do not understand


How the compiler separate the expression, statement, function? We know that a file of code contains many statement and expression

What is expression?

Expression is a snippet of code that return the value For Example:

  • 1 + 2 (Compute expression)
  • "Hello World" (String literal)
  • 2 (Number literal)

Fun fact: IIFE (Invoke Immediately Function Expression) of Javascript is an expression

What is statement?

Statement is a snippet of code that performs an action For Example:

  • If else statement
  • Loop statement

What is Compiler?

Compiler is a program which transform the code from A type to B type. We have many compilers for many purposes for example: C++ compiler (transform the codebase from C++/C to Assembly then Machine Code)


How the compiler works?

Parsing -> Transformation -> Code Generation


This step is breaking down the raw codebase to AST contains 2 steps:

  • Lexical Analysis (you can call it Tokenize step)
  • Syntactic Analysis

Lexical Analysis:

Input: Raw Code
Process: Tokenize
Output: Tokenizer or Lexer
Input: x + y

    { type: 'Identifier', value: 'x' },
    { type: 'Operand', value: '+' },
    { type: 'Identifier', value: 'y' },
  • Input: LexicalAnalysis(x)
  • Output:
    { type: 'Identifier', value: 'LexicalAnalysis' },
    { type: 'Punctuator', value: '(' },
    { type: 'Identifier', value: 'x' },
    { type: 'Punctuator', value: ')' },

Syntactic Analysis

Input: Tokenizer or Lexer
Process: Parse
Output: Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

    { type: 'Identifier', value: 'x' },
    { type: 'Operand', value: '+' },
    { type: 'Identifier', value: 'y' },


    { type: 'Program', body: [
            type: "BinaryExpression",
            params: [
                    type: "Identifier",
                    Value: "x"
                    type: "Identifier",
                    value: "y",

Notes: The reason why LISP can be used for build a compiler is LISP syntax is much more easy to struct AST tree
(+ 1 2) -> the operand always be placed at the head of expression


This step takes the output from Parsing step then add/delete/update nodes to transform new structure AST is suitable to later usage

Code Generation

Traverse the Transformed AST

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