A simple command line tool to decode SDIO transfers from logic analyzer captures.
Input file: A simple file consisting out of a series of bytes, where each byte is a sample of SDIO bus lines. This file can e.g. be generated using the Saleae Logic analyzer function.
A Samplerate and channel numbers for the SDIO signals need to be specified as input. The samplerate is required to generate correct timestamp information.
The decoded output is printed to STDOUT. It can be redirected to a file and copied e.g. into Excel for easier viewing.
- This SDIO analyzer does not support dual data rate (DDR) transfers.
- Only very limiting testing has been applied. I cannot state, how generic it is applicable, or if the decoding is 100% correct yet.
- Command line parameters are not checked extensively, or, if the provided filename is from an existing file.
For development the main.c file was compiled using Code::Blocks and MingW toolchain.