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Releases: xzripper/trpcc


08 Dec 21:07
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TRPCC Major Stable Release: 2.0

Telegram Remote PC Controller major update. More than 40 major/minor changes have been made in this release. Future TRPCC updates are coming in 2025.

TRPCC Development changelog (messy). ----- edit exe metadata. ---------- DONE ----- clean trpcc directory ---- DONE ---- make console app more beatiful and extend it ---- DONE ---- /startkeylogging /endkeylogging --- DONE ---- /whocontrolspc ---- DONE ---- add password for bot ---- DONE ----- remove help ---- DONE ----- replace NAME, TOKEN etc on data.json for convenient usage ---- DONE ---- extend /about ---- DONE ----- mark that bot designed to control only one pc ---- DONE ----- mark about spacing for seven commands ---- DONE ----- mark about unability to enable monitor ---- DONE ----- /lockpc, ---- DONES ----- extended types support for /fetchfile ---- DONE ----- fix all english typos ----- DONE ---- more pc info for /sysinfo command ---- DONE ----- /getfile: send pics if pic requested ---- DONE ---- FIX EMPTY FILES SENDING EXCEPTION ---- DONE ------ /listprocs, /killproc, /netinfo, ----- DONE ---- /rename, /movefile -- DONE -------- hello page update: date at least, + intro ---- DONE ---- focus on msgbox automatically ---- DONE ---- update icon ---- DONE ----- add more emojis ----- DONE ------ /kys command -------- DONE ---- use reply ---- DONE ---- EVENT LOOP POLICY BASED ON PLATFORM ---- DONE ----- eval to exec ----- DONE ---- '..' for spacing --- DONE ----- Follow DRY or KISS idk ---- DONE ---- more messages for /webcamimage ------ DONE ----- renamed /getdir and /getfile to fetch ----- DONE ---- sort imports ---- DONE getfile getdir to fetchfile fetchdir ---- DONE ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC


09 Feb 12:01
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First Release: V1.0 ALPHA.