gcc *.c -o onecard -lm -O2 -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -Wvla -Wpedantic -std=c11
This repo is the project2 by Zhen Xu 520370910043
for the vg101 course.
This README file gives the explanations of the codes.
Use the following command to run the code and input values as prompted.
In milestone 1 you just need to enter an integer.(desk numbers)
gcc *.c -o a -O2 -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -std=c11
I have a CMakeLists.txt.
you can use it.
I will finish this part later.
Because I can not figure out a clear way to describe my struct in persudo code.
I just talk very easily.
I will explain them clearly later.
A) First copy the last card in the stock pile and give it to a certain player.
B) Delete the last card in the stock.
They all give some initial value.
Almost all the code in main is used to test whether the function can work or not.
They will be updated.
Declare functions and struct