Arduino irrigation timer (24 hour) with Modbus serial communication. (based on modbus-master-slave library example)
0 - msb of time (uint32_t)
1 - lsb of time (uint32_t)
2 - unit is connected to a DS1307 Real Time Clock module
3 - number of out coming messages
4 - error counter
One register (16bit) control 16 digital I/O's, each bit controls one digital I/O pin. bit 3 - control D3 pin, bit 4 control D4 pin ... and bit 12 control D12 pin
(*) pins 0 and 1 are RX,TX pins
(**) pin D13 is reserved for led indicator
(***) pin CTRL_PIN is reserved for RS485 control
to override timer and set pin 10 to HIGH - set registers 5 and 6 to 0x0400
5 - state of digital I/O's: 0 - LOW, 1 - HIGH
6 - override digital I/O's timer: 0 - use timer, 1 - manual (override timer),
Each day is divided to 96 parts of 15min. Each 15min part has a register that control the I/O's state for that part of the day.
register 7 control pins state from 00:00 to 00:15
register 8 control pins state from 00:15 to 00:30
register 103 (last) control pins state from 23:45 to 24:00
to set pin 11 to high from 06:00 to 06:30 - set registers 31 and 32 to 0x0800
7..102 - timer array for digital i/o's
103..109 - registers for storing general information (on the eeprom)
Analog value is provided without conversions - registers hold the input voltage range, 0 to 5 volts is converted to value between 0 and 1023
(*) A4 and A5 are reserved for i2c RTC
110 - A0 ADC converted value (0..1023)
111 - A1 ADC converted value (0..1023)
117 - A7 ADC converted value (0..1023)