fork from a marksman-vscode
Integrates Marksman language server into coc.nvim for delightful Markdown note taking experience.
See the project page for more detailed information.
:CocInstall @yaegassy/coc-marksman
scoped packages
: Enable coc-marksman extension, default:true
: allows to specify a custom command to start marksman. Mostly useful for development of marksman itself.marksman.customCommandDir
: allows to specify a CWD for the command above. For development it's convenient to set the command to dotnet run and the command dir to the dir where marksman sources are.marksman.trace.server
: Traces the communication between coc.nvim and the language server, valid option:["off", "messages", "verbose"]
, default:"off"
: Marksman: Restart Servermarksman.showOutputChannel
: Marksman: Show Output
Marksman has a code action to create and update a table of contents of a document.
Create a Table of Contents
This code action is source
level. Please key mapping <Plug>(coc-codeaction-source)
in coc.nvim to call it.
nmap <leader>as <Plug>(coc-codeaction-source)
This extension is built with create-coc-extension