A reference implementation of the Cloud Native Buildpacks specification.
This lifecycle implements the following versioned APIs
- Buildpack API 0.2
- Platform API 0.3
- chooses buildpacks (via/bin/detect
- restores launch layer metadata from the previous buildrestorer
- restores cachebuilder
- executes buildpacks (via/bin/build
- creates image and stores cache
- invokes choice of process
- remotely patches images with new base image
To test, build, and package binaries into an archive, simply run:
$ make all
This will create an archive at out/lifecycle-<LIFECYCLE_VERSION>+linux.x86-64.tgz
defaults to the value in the VERSION
file at the root of the repo . It can be changed by prepending LIFECYCLE_VERSION=<some version>
to the
command. For example:
$ LIFECYCLE_VERSION=1.2.3 make all
Steps can also be run individually as shown below.
Formats, vets, and tests the code.
$ make test
Builds binaries to out/linux/lifecycle/
$ make build
To clean the
directory, runmake clean
Creates an archive at out/lifecycle-<LIFECYCLE_VERSION>+linux.x86-64.tgz
, using the contents of the
directory, for the given (or default) LIFECYCLE_VERSION
$ make package