This project is part of the assignment given by the college. This small assignment is made in NetBeans by means of the Drag and Drop method.
The primary goal was to complete the assignment, that's all and that's why it is a small project(assignment).
Contains total 4 frames 1. MainPage 2.Customer 3.LoginPage 4.Employee
A detailed description of frames:
In this frame, there are two buttons Customer and Employee with the date mentioned at the left bottom of the frame. Also, there is an exit button that will close the program on click.
In this frame, there are 3 text fields, a radio button, three combo boxes, two buttons, and a date on the bottom right of the frame. Also 'Done' button will generate a popup and will generate a file named InvoiceHistory.txt.
In this frame, there are 3 text fields, a text area, a combo box, a checkbox, and two buttons. The "Add" button will also generate a popup.
On this page one text field and one password field and a button will lead to an employee frame.