WIP: this project is under very active development, and it is not ready for production usage. This warning will be removed when it is reliable.
The hydro-sdk-charts including trade chart and deep chart.
The package can be installed via NPM:
npm install @wangleiddex/hydro-sdk-charts --save
Data format example TradeChart test data
The example below also shows how to include the css from this package if your build system supports requiring css files (webpack is one that does).
import { TradeChart } from '@wangleiddex/hydro-sdk-charts';
import '@wangleiddex/hydro-sdk-charts/dist/style.css';
theme="dark" // or light
styles={{ upColor: '#00d99f' }}
clickCallback={result => {
console.log('result: ', result);
clickGranularity={result => {
console.log('result: ', result);
TradeChart Props
interface Styles {
background?: string;
upColor?: string;
downColor?: string;
axisColor?: string;
barColor?: string;
interface Props {
data: any;
granularityStr: string; // "1d", "1h", "5m"
priceDecimals: number;
theme?: string;
styles?: Styles;
clickCallback?: any;
handleLoadMore?: any;
clickGranularity?: string;
defaultChart?: string; // 'candle', 'line'
// start and end in the data list for current view
start?: number;
end?: number;
Data format example TradeChart test data
import { DeepChart } from '@wangleiddex/hydro-sdk-charts';
theme="dark" // or light
styles={{ bidColor: '#00d99f' }}
clickCallback={result => {
console.log('result: ', result);
DeepChart Props:
interface Styles {
titleColor?: string;
axisLabelColor?: string;
axisColor?: string;
rowBackgroundColor?: string;
containerBackgroundColor?: string;
askColor?: string;
askColorArea?: string;
bidColor?: string;
bidColorArea?: string;
fontFamily?: string;
interface Props {
bids: any;
asks: any;
baseToken: any;
quoteToken: any;
theme?: any;
styles?: Styles;
priceDecimals?: any;
amountDecimals?: any;
clickCallback?: any;