Python audit scripts to compare pids in two csv: one output from federoa image server, another one is the output of solr query for page level pids. import_csv.py check fedora images output against solr page level pids
JSS images audit scripts and download script
(1,2,3,4,6 are in https://github.com/yalelibrary/jss_audit/blob/master/lib/tasks/jss_audit.rake)
Title level bibs run
rake jss_solr:titleBIDs
or `rake jss_solr:titleBIDs >> title_bibs" -
Volume level pids and output the pids into a comma separated csv run `rake jss_solr:volume >> volume_pids'
Page level pids and output the pids into a csv run `page_children_csv >> 'jss_page_pids'
Scan the fedora file system to get the list of JPG/PDF run `rake jss_solr:scan_file_system >> fedora_server'
https://github.com/yalelibrary/jss_audit/blob/master/import_csv.py audit if all images are in the fedora file system run `python 3 import_csv.py' Note: panda runs on python3
download the children images of each volume level pids, and save the children images in the folder named as volume-level pids run
rake jss_solr:download_all_images
with the destinated folder (this is to get JPG, replace JPG to PDF will get pdf files)Notice: ":" in pids have to be replaced for solr query and when mkdir as the def download_all_images does