Build rapid GUI applications in FSharp using the excellent Dear ImGui via the ImGui.NET wrapper.
Because it should be very easy to knock up and iterate on a simple UI with minimal dependencies and ceremony. No companion C# project with Xaml, no web servers, browsers and Javascript bundles. Just some functions that compose nicely and work largely as expected.
How about a quick little GUI window from your FSI session?
let commonStatusBar() =
Gui.statusBar "Status Bar" [
Gui.button "Quit" closeGui
Gui.text $"{ImGui.GetIO().Framerate} FPS"
let counter = ref 0
let incr i = fun _ -> counter := !counter + i
let decr i = fun _ -> counter := !counter - i
let page() = [
Gui.window "Window 1" [
Gui.text "Hello World!"
Gui.text $"Counter: {!counter}"
Gui.button "Down" (decr 1) ++ Gui.button "Up" (incr 1)
startOrUpdateGuiWith "Demo" page
How about hot reloading some changes as you rapidly iterate?
let newPage() = [
Gui.window "Updated!" [
Gui.text "Updated!"
setGuiBuilder newPage
And boom!
More complex apps might benefit from the MVU architecture of Elmish. I didn't want to pollute this repo with dependencies on Elmish, but turns out that's not needed.
The normal Elmish message, model, update, init components:
type Model = {
Value: int
Checkbox: bool
type Msg =
| Incr of int
| Decr of int
| Checked of bool
let update (msg:Msg) (model:Model) =
match msg with
| Incr(amount) -> { model with Value = model.Value + amount }, Cmd.none
| Decr(amount) -> { model with Value = model.Value - amount }, Cmd.none
| Checked(flag) -> {model with Checkbox = flag}, Cmd.none
let init () =
Value = 0
Checkbox = false
}, Cmd.none
And optional viewmodel and model to viewmodel mapper to ensure model changes flow into the UI and ensure no messy two-way data binding as per the MVU way:
let viewModel = {|
Checkbox = ref false
ValueString = ref ""
let mapModelToViewModel (model:Model) =
viewModel.Checkbox := model.Checkbox
viewModel.ValueString := model.Value.ToString()
And then of course the view itself:
let view (model:Model) (dispatch:Msg -> unit) =
mapModelToViewModel model
let gui = [
Gui.window "Demo" [
Gui.sameLine [
Gui.text !viewModel.ValueString
Gui.button "+" (fun () -> Incr 1 |> dispatch )
Gui.button "-" (fun () -> Decr 1 |> dispatch )
] |> Gui.alignText
Gui.checkbox "Test" viewModel.Checkbox (Checked >> dispatch)
startOrUpdateGuiWith "Demo" gui |> ignore
Wire up with some helper function to ensure dispatching on GUI thread and away we go:
let guiDispatch innerDispatch =
fun msg -> dispatchToGui (fun () -> innerDispatch msg)
Program.mkProgram init update view
|> Program.withSyncDispatch guiDispatch
Explore some other samples in the Samples Project.