This Rust-based bot is designed to help manage and dispatch cron tasks within a Discord server, making it perfect for automating repetitive tasks. Originally developed to assist with reminders in school related Discord server.
This crate is in very early developpement, and things may be incomplete, break at any moment, or just be poorly (if at all) documented. Clone at your own risk.
This bot being self-hosted only, you'll need to create an application on the Discord Developper Portal. Look it up, it's really not complicated.
Then you can copy your bot's token somewhere safe -- and I mean really safe, it's supposed to stay secret. You'll have to put it in your configuration file later, so everything can work.
An image is available on Docker Hub.
# Example docker-compose.yml:
image: yanekosaurus/r2d2wm
container_name: r2d2wm
hostname: r2d2wm
restart: unless-stopped
- /home/user/r2d2wm-bot/config:/config
R2D2WM_CONFIG_PATH: "/config"
# Clone the repo
$ git clone
# Change the current directory
$ cd r2d2wm-bot
# Build and run
$ cargo build --release
$ cargo run