This repository contains the source code to an academic website created with Hugo, PaperMod, and GitHub Pages. The code is publicly available as a template repository so anyone can generate a new repository with the same directory structure and files, and quickly create their own academic website. The code might also be helpful to anyone who wishes to learn about Hugo or wants to recreate specific features of this website.
The source code is documented at
The website is built using the following software and services:
- Hugo – A very fast, open-source static website generator
- PaperMod – A minimalist, fast, and flexible Hugo theme
- GitHub Pages and GitHub Actions – A simple way to deploy a website hosted in a GitHub repository
- Google Domains – A simple way to register your domain name and link it to your website
The PaperMod theme is modified in several ways to be more adapted to academic websites:
- Organization of the pages in three categories: papers, courses, and design projects. It is easy to add new categories from here (code, data, and so on). The three categories are available from any page through the menu and from the home page through buttons.
- Two automatically generated lists added to the menu:
- New social icons specific to academia: icon for office hours, icon for Zoom, and icon for Substack, and improved icon for Google Scholar
- Footer providing easy access to email address and newsletter
- Page metadata tailored to the academic context: simpler date format, permalink on pages
- Personalized color scheme, font, and general appearance
- New archetypes for paper pages and course pages
- The code used to generate this website is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
- Except where otherwise noted, the content of this website was created by Pascal Michaillat and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.